View Cap And Impression Cap Frequencies | YouTube Ads
Normally, I would reduce my view and impression frequencies to 7X daily after the second day of launching my ads.
Then reduce it gradually over time.
To 3X daily
Then 1X daily
Then 5X weekly.
But it was taking a long time to reduce my CPAs.
And then I had this random conversation with a friend and colleague.
He was like, "IDGAF, you will only see my ad once a month."
What?!, I said.
This guy gets very low CPAs.
After that call, I logged in to the ad dashboard of a client. and reduced my frequencies from 7X daily to 2X daily.
My CPA dropped by 50%.
I will reduce it to 5X per week by Monday.
Ibidabo Jonah
View Cap And Impression Cap Frequencies | YouTube Ads
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