This isn't fun, but it makes me $256k/month
Well Ad Men, By now, you've probably seen my latest YouTube video where I spoke at Will Brown's mastermind in Dubai.
I posted it on Monday, but in case you haven't had a chance to watch it yet...
I cried lol...
I cried because although I pride myself on being mentally tough...
I cried because although I pride myself on always being positive...
I cried because although I pride myself on being the healthiest person i know...
The reality is, these last 8-12 months have been extremely tough.
I've been battling some health issues that have been weighing on me mentally, spiritually, financially and emotionally...
I won't get into it too much here, because I talk about it more in the video...
But because we're leaders... running businesses, sometimes it's even more tough on us because everyone else is always looking up to us!
Our team... Our family... Our friends...
Which means...
We gotta be the most positive!
We gotta be the most disciplined!
And we gotta be the one's to always be up and leading from the front!
So we have to just face it... and sometimes maybe even fake it...
Even if deep down we are the one's struggling on the inside.
But this is EXACTLY why I started my YouTube channel and began documenting my journey in the first place...
To share the HIGHS, the LOWS...
And to be real, raw, and transparent with you, about what I am going through...
Even if it's not fun...
Even if it means being vulnerable...
And even if it means shedding a tear or two every now and then...
I write these emails to you, not just to always try and sell you lol. But to help you. Because these help me too!
And I know what you're going through...
Because I'm right here with you.
In the trenches...
Building a business...
Leading a team...
And doing my best to be the best husband, friend, son, and colleague I can be...
Just like you...
And just like this person who commented on the video too (pic attached)
Point being...
Whatever you're going through...
Just know, you're not alone.
And if you ever need someone to talk to...
I'm here for you.
-Brian 'in the trenches with you' Moncada
P.S. if you haven't seen the VLOG, here's the link.
Brian Moncada
This isn't fun, but it makes me $256k/month
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