Question for those who run traffic to evergreen VSLs or webinars
If someone signs up for your funnel and you offer your product at a lower price, for example, 50% off within the first 7 days.
What price do you put in the VSL/webinar?
The discounted price or the full price?
If you put the full price do you simply offer a coupon in the emails or have a banner across the screen stating that if you buy before the timer runs out you save 50%.
If you put the discounted price in the video, what VSL/webinar do you show to users after the discount has expired?
Do you create a second VSL with the full price or do you redirect to a page that says the offer has expired and can now only be purchased at the higher price?
Brett Dev
Question for those who run traffic to evergreen VSLs or webinars
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