If Tik Tok gets banned, do this instead...
People are freaking about that Tik Tok might be banned soon...
But it really doesn't matter because the best platform to build your personal brand on is YouTube.
YouTube is the new TV, and YouTube Ads are the new TV commercials.
Think of your YouTube channel as your "digital real estate portfolio", and each one of your videos as a property...
Some videos only make you a couple hundreds bucks, while others make you thousands, and some even millions!
Regardless, those videos compound over time and grow your impact and income...
And if you sell any sort of course, coaching program, or agency service, YouTube can bring you the highest-quality leads you've ever talked to on a sales call in your entire life...
Those "lay-down" leads who join the call smiling telling you they've watched all your videos and been following you for months!
And what if you had the "cheat-codes" to grow your YouTube channel to 10k, 100k, or even 1M subscribers in the next 30, 60, or 90 days?
What if you could learn how those "famous" YouTubers get SO many views AND how to convert those views into more high-ticket clients and customers?
Well, that's exactly why I have my good friend Clark Kegley, a YouTuber with 1.4M subscribers sharing with me and my mastermind tomorrow at 11am EST!
Clark is getting 5,000 NEW subscribers per day right now...And and he's booking his sales teams calendar with HUNDREDS of those "lay-down leads" who already know, like and trust him... each and every day!
So in my opinion, there's nobody better to teach you how to get that virality you're looking for, AND those qualified sales conversations you're wishing you had more of...
So if you're an agency owner, high-ticket coach, or course creator who wants to learn what's working right now to grow YouTube from someone who's actually actively doing it...
Then now's your chance, and the way to get access is inside the Ad Men Mastermind.
The Ad Men Mastermind is specifically for agency owners, marketers, coaches and course creators who wanna learn how to scale to $50-100k/months.
Each week we have weekly mastermind calls sharing what's working for us and our clients, plus an entire classroom full of content to help you scale your business, land whale clients, and level up your leadership...
Plus LIVE monthly masterclasses hand-picked from our network of industry experts, just like the one with Clark tomorrow!
So if any of this sounds interesting to you, and you wanna attend tomorrow's training...
DM with the word "Ad Men" and I'll ask you some questions and send you some more info to see if it's a good fit for you to join before tomorrow.
P.S. here's a text message Clark Kegley sent me 2-days ago...
That's 33.8M views from his YouTube channel so far this year!
Crazy right?
Brian Moncada
If Tik Tok gets banned, do this instead...
A community for high-ticket coaches, course creators, and agency owners who want to learn how to scale with YouTube Ads
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