Mar '23 (edited) in Wins🥂
"I see you as the Tony Robbins of YouTube Ads..."
Happy Friday Ad Men!
Yesterday I was on a call with a prospect who is doing $500k/month in their business selling 1 offer, all from organic YouTube videos.
Pretty sick right?
Anyways, on this call with me that he booked to see if/how we can help them scale...
And you know we talked about everything they're doing, what their goals are, problems, pain points, frustrations, etc...
But when I asked who else he's looking at besides us...
He said something that stuck with me...
He said:
"I see you as the Tony Robbins of YouTube Ads... you know, when you think of personal development, you think of Tony Robbins... and when you think of YouTube Ads, you think of Brian Moncada..."
Yeah, that hit me.
Now, you may be reading this and be saying to yourself...
"Well that's great Brian, but what does that mean for me? How does this help me? And why should I even care lol...?"
And tbh, I'm a little bit uncomfortable even sharing this because I don't want you to feel like this is me bragging or coming off like "look at me, look at me, we're the best..."
Not at all.
The reason I am pushing sharing this with you is to remind you of the power that you and I posses when it comes to establishing yourself as the EXPERT, and "go-to" authority for your niche/marketplace.
I've been running/scaling YouTube Ads for 5-years now.
3-years this month since I quit working for my mentor and going out to build
So this kind of brand building has taken time...
Lots and lots of time.
And you might be on a similar journey yourself, trying to build YOUR brand and become the "go-to" expert and authority in YouTube Ads as well...
And maybe you're reading this and seeing this as a BAD thing...
I know my OLD self would have...
I would have felt annoyed reading this, mad maybe, and even a bit insecure because that means that there's MORE competition...
But that's just your ego.
The reality is, there is room for everyone.
And Collaboration > Competition.
YouTube is the new TV, and YouTube Ads are the new TV commercials...
So the NEED for Ad Men who can help businesses create and run YouTube Ads will continue to rise each and every day...
And also remember, we're at Stage 4 of the Ad Men journey...
We partner with businesses and take big-retainers + % of the profits.
So we pick and choose who we work with, and can't/won't help everyone.
Which means there's plenty of room for you and me.
And our mission is to educate the world through advertising...
So we'll need more Ad Men to help us accomplish that goal/vision.
Point being, if you put your head down and focus for the next 3-years...
You won't ever have to really worry about doing any outreach to find clients for your agency...
You can become the go-to authority/expert in your niche and grow off word of mouth and referrals alone by simply getting great results for clients.
But again, it doesn't happen overnight...
In my case, it's taken 3-years.
So you might as well start now...
Start niching down and specializing in a high-ROI skillet, like YouTube Ads!
Start doing outreach and getting your first or next case study to get some momentum.
Start posting on social media to build your personal brand and grow your network.
Start attending masterminds, events, and meeting more people who can help you on your journey.
Just start.
And in 3-5 years from now you might be on a call with someone who wants to work with you and says the same thing about you...
So why not just go for it?
-Brian "Ad Men" Moncada
P.S. I'm working on something special to help those of you who wanna learn how to run YouTube Ads so that you can land your first contract as an Ad Man and get your foot in the game. More to come on that very soon!
Brian Moncada
"I see you as the Tony Robbins of YouTube Ads..."
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