10 high ticket clients (or we work for free 🤯)
What is up everyone!? Not sure if you saw my email yesterday however...
For the next 3 days, ONLY I’m revealing a new-and-improved 2024 version…
Of how YOU, a high ticket coach (or course creator) can EXPLODE your lead gen and land 10 clients or more…
By partnering with Ads and Funnels…
PLUS, get a 3X ROAS or we work for free until you do…
Yes, you read that right…
You may be wondering if this guy is as high as a kite…
Well, kind of lol, I’m just excited to serve my coaches in the right way…
Because so many coaches come to me with the same issues:
👎 They get to a certain revenue number and then plateau
👎 Their lead flow goes drier than your mouth after a heavy night at the bar
👎 Their quality of lead PLUMMETS and they’re left with annoying unqualified leads
I’m here to put an end to that because…
I’ve discovered a new and better way to overcome all of those issues most coaches face…
I call it the ‘360° Resonance Method’…
It’s designed to capture leads at every stage of their journey through your funnel…
We leave no stone unturned.
It’s what most other agencies leave out…
They think capturing emails is enough or running 1 good Ad on Facebook is cool…
Nope, you need a fully enclosed system where the leads are in a straight line…
From opt-in to punching their card details in at your highest ticket offer…
Ads and Funnels make the lead's journey as smooth as melted butter…
And I go deep into how this 360° resonance method works here…
But you need to check it out fast because we’re only offering this crazy guarantee for the first 3 people and going back to the 2X ROAS guarantee…
After that, I’m not sure when I’ll do something like this again…
Let's scale your coaching business,
Michael Kelly
CEO Ads and Funnels
Michael Kelly
10 high ticket clients (or we work for free 🤯)
A community for coaches and course creators who want to learn how to scale their offers.
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