1️⃣ Daily Planning
Creating a time block schedule increases the likelihood that I will persevere.
Hundreds of studies have shown that implementation intentions (plans) are effective for sticking to our goals.
2️⃣ Micro Planning
This is all about breaking down a project into "bite-sized" chunks.
Having clear action steps makes the project more approachable.
3️⃣ Monotasking
Studies have shown that by doing one thing at a time, we are 4 times more productive.
Thus, as an ADHDer, I use daily deep work sessions, which strengthen my concentration muscle.
4️⃣ Task Batching
I bundle related tasks into one time block (shallow work session).
Emails, admin tasks, or chores are a great application area for me.
5️⃣ Distraction Log
Whenever an idea, thought, or task pops into my mind during deep work, I write it down on a blank paper.
This helps me prevent sinking into spirals of thoughts and thus getting distracted by my ADHD brain.
6️⃣ Active Breaks
When I feel overwhelmed, I do 51 push-ups and 51 squats.
Movement increases dopamine and, therefore, reduces stress in my ADHD brain.
7️⃣ Nature Walks
The nature calms my mind and supports me in solving complex business challenges.
I try once a week to go for a longer walk with a loved one or alone.
8️⃣ Reflection
I follow a simple reflection routine, where I identify 1 thing I could improve and 1 thing I'm proud of.
This prevents negative rumination by confronting myself once a day with my uncomfortable thoughts.
I hope that helps.