The crazy story of getting a role in 30 days... About 2 years ago I moved to Los Angeles to pursue my dream of becoming an actor. Without much thought I dropped my entire life in Houston, TX and decided to make a crazy move. I had no idea where I would even get started, but I knew that I wanted to pursue this dream. When I got to Los Angeles I was extremely happy, seeing the Hollywood sign and the big billboards all across the city made me feel like my dreams were one step closer. However, a couple of hours later it hit me. I know nobody. I felt completely alone and lost, I had made a very crazy move and now I felt like I had no research done. I had no friends, no family, no one that I can look for in Los Angeles. But the one thing I did have was this wild dream of mine to become a famous actor. I had to figure something out or I was going to be stuck in that position forever. So I designed a plan that I believed was going to change everything for me... Within my first week in Los Angeles, my plan was up and running. It was not perfect, but the great thing was that I could make tweaks while I was on the move. And then the most amazing thing in the world happened, I GOT AN AUDITION. I couldn't believe it, after only 8 days of being in Los Angeles I booked an in person audition. I was super stoked and could not wait to get to the audition. My nerves however took over me, and I definitely did not make a great first impression with anyone there. But it didn't matter, after just 8 days I proved to myself that I could get an audition, and now all I had to do was practice my craft and I would be able to nail every audition. I continued working on my plan and for the next two weeks I got audition after audition. (In my first 3 weeks in Los Angeles I got 22 auditions). And it was not because I was "lucky" or whatever people want to call it. It was because my plan was working. The auditions were slowly getting better, and I knew that all these repetitions were going to pay off in the future. On day 23 of me being in Los Angeles, I get a call that I will remember forever.