Supercharge Your Day with this trick
How you start your morning can set the tone for the rest of your day.
Do you jump out of bed and dive straight into emails, or do you take a moment to meditate and plan your day?
I've discovered that a structured morning routine enhances my productivity immensely. Some key activities might include journaling, a quick workout, or a review of my day.
Here is how I structure my journaling in the morning:
1- List 5 things I am grateful for that happened yesterday
2- List nay appointment or meetings
3- My top 3 priorities
4- Any other tasks that I want to accomplish
5- Daily affirmations
Let’s share and inspire each other with our morning rituals. What's your secret morning activity that gets you ready to tackle the day?
Which morning ritual boosts your productivity?
A vigorous morning workout
A calm meditation session
Planning my day over coffee
2 votes
Marianne Suarez Sabugo
Supercharge Your Day with this trick
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