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The Gates Are Now Open - Introducing ACE GROWTH TIKTOK ACADEMY!
HUGE announcement today, our paid community is now live! Watch the video below to learn more! Here are some of the things you need to know: COMMUNITY VALUE - $2,300. Your Price: $49pm - $49 PER MONTH FOR THE FIRST 20 MEMBERS (LIMITED SPOTS) - FIRST 20 MEMBERS UNLOCK A FREE ACCOUNT BREAKDOWN (LIMITED SPOTS) - 5+ COURSES & HOURS OF VALUE TO LEARN + MORE TO COME... - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND SO MUCH MORE! Join us today as we leak the sauce that gained our clients over 35+ Million views, including generating a podcast over 1 Million views in it's first week of launch! We can't wait to see you in there... Join TODAY -
New comment 5d ago
The Gates Are Now Open - Introducing ACE GROWTH TIKTOK ACADEMY!
Future of this community! Comment with what you would like to see
Hi All! We appreciate that we haven't been active on this the past couple of weeks, but we've been cooking up something big in the background. We've developed out paid community, which we'll post more about shortly. However, this is what's coming from me and Ethan, in this free community, every week: - 3+ Threads, breaking down useful bits of information to help you grow your TikTok channels - Our weekly mind dump, discussing hot topics and new things you need to know - 5+ Social videos, with tips, strategies and tricks you need to know - Ask away with your questions and we'll do our best to answer! Additionally, we'll still have around 3-4 of our courses for free for you to access and learn from, with new ones getting added to our paid community. Now we'd like to hear from you! Is there anything specific you guys want to learn, or are struggling with, or would like to see??
New comment 12d ago
Future of this community! Comment with what you would like to see
Content Creator Masterclass Course Now Live!
Hey guys! Sorry for the inactivity over the last couple of days, client work has been insane! But I'm very happy to announce that the newest classroom is now available, the Content Creator Masterclass! One of the biggest things I tell people is that no matter how many edits they put onto a video or how fancy they make it look, if the content itself, the idea or the execution of the idea is bad, the video will never perform well. So... That's why I decided to compile my 5 years of experience into one course! Here's the summary so you know exactly what's instore: "Welcome to our content creation course! Here, we emphasise not just tips and tricks for gaining views, but the importance of becoming a confident and effective content creator. Learn from my journey, starting at age 10 and evolving over five years of consistent posting. Witness my transformation from a nervous beginner to a confident creator, and discover how you can achieve the same. Join us to master the skills needed to excel in front of the camera and deliver your message powerfully." CLICK HERE To Become The Best Content Creator Possible In The Shortest Amount Of Time Possible.
Content Creator Masterclass Course Now Live!
Video Editing Class πŸ“½
The brand new class is now live! This class has 2 different modules (soon to be three..) 1. how to edit TikTok videos within the TikTok app 2. how to edit a TikTok video within Premiere Pro. The third module will be an exclusive client editing tutorial where I edit a client video live, going through my thought process as well as showing results for that video once it has been posted by the client! The new classroom is linked here. Don't forget to add any new ideas into the suggestions tab, we'd love to hear from you all!
New Class Available πŸŽ‰
TIKTOK SIMPLIFIED Has been added to the classroom! These are 3-7 minute quick fire videos that allow you to learn the basics of TikTok in the fastest time possible. This classroom contains the following: - Introduction - #1 How TikTok Works - #2 Engagement Is Key - #3 The Best Growth Strategy - #4 How To Spot Patterns - #5 Capitalise On Small Success - Re-cap Click here to start watching today!
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ACE Growth TikTok Masterclass
We'll teach you how to get more views, more followers and earn over $1,000 per month on TikTok.
Join our FREE community today & introduce yourself!
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