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Nyomi's Free UGC Community

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58 contributions to Nyomi's Free UGC Community
When is the right time to start chasing your dreams?
I speak to a lot of people on a weekly basis, people who feel trapped, lost, confused, and stuck—more often than not, even when I present them with a potential solution, their response is always something along the lines of 'oh, its not the right time’. “I have responsibilities; therefore, it’s not the right time.” “I have a lot on my plate, so I can’t take action.” “I'm busy, so I can’t take action.” "Oh, but it doesn’t feel like it’s the right time.” Let me let you in on a little secret: there is never a right time. There is never a time when all the stars will align, everything will make sense, and the opportunity will land in your lap. Things will always come up, the universe will always throw your curveballs, and things will always get in your way, but this is all just a test of your endurance. If you let something out of your control dictate what you do and when you take action, then ultimately, you’re not in control of your own life, and that’s no life to live. So next time you consider the option of not chasing your dreams because it doesn’t seem like the right time, remind yourself that there never will be a right time. You make the right time. Chat soon!! Nyomi:)
New comment Jul 20
1 like • Jul 20
@Andrea Liu !!!!!
0 likes • Jul 20
yeah we definitely have to make the time + be committed i think it’s important too when we meet people where they are & understand where these fears brew from My disconnect in the past in learning space is the lack of attention to the factors outside of business that affect the business/the person running the business. Not in a sad pity way, but like an actual factual way. Real solutions or bases to jump from. A few people here have mentioned adhd in comments, being a parent or barely surviving before they can even get to the work. Ways to deal & maintain when already feeling discouraged by circumstance.
it's been a while since we did this but I’d LOVE TO hear what wins and successes you have had lately?! Was it getting an inbound, hitting a follower count, landing your first paid deal or finishing your portfolio? I'll go first: I landed a very exciting retainer clients!! What are your wins - I wanna hype you guys up!!💞
New comment Jul 20
0 likes • Jul 20
Hi hi - I’ve been posting more consistently on page + portfolio is done, want to move into pitching (hype me up for this next step 😅🤭)
Creator Platforms Qs
-are most/all platforms monthly subscriptions? -is anyone on Shopify collab? -what are your favorite platforms? -creator platforms vs cold outreach (which is best)
New comment Jul 19
1 like • Jul 19
@Andrea Liu wow, thank you for your thought out response !!!!!
💻🎉 Let’s get together !!!
would anyone here like to still get on video chat while Nyomi is in Bali- to do UGC related work?? 👍🏽 this post for an invite 👍🏽
New comment Jul 10
0 likes • Jul 10
want to host or have something to work on? type it in the comments ✨
Building Consistency On Tiktok 💡
Hey everyone! I'm soaking up the sun in Bali right now, but I'm still here to help you out with your personal branding struggles. This week, let's tackle some common challenges like staying consistent with your posts while juggling brand deals. We'll talk about tips like pre-planning content, defining your brand's vibe, and batch filming to keep you on track. Can't wait to dive into these strategies with you and boost your personal brand game! and dont forget to write your ugc struggles in the poll i made a few days ago, i will be going over this poll and adress common struggles so you can thrive and scale your ugc business!!
New comment Jul 14
Building Consistency On Tiktok 💡
0 likes • Jul 10
Gonna have to watch !!
1-10 of 58
Xiara A.
63points to level up
Media Creator #LaptopLife ♥️ Digital Strategist | Fashion Editor

Active 7d ago
Joined May 2, 2024
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