Bio: Award winning Property Lease Option Speaker/Trainer. UK record holder for largest single investor of the largest single property lease option deal.
Bio: Based in Hove.
Sourcer for South England, Midlands, Wales & UK wide.
Key Strategy: Lease Option.
Interested in deals and looking for investors
Bio: I'm an entrepreneur and a musician committed to building a Deal Sourcing/R2SA business to achieve time/financial freedom so i can live my best life.
Bio: Here to learn and grow; using the knowledge gathered to change my family's destiny.
Current endeavours: Property Investing; [Multi-Asset] Trading...
Bio: I am Caroline and I live in the uk, in Herefordshire. I am eager to learn ,to Source, to flip and to collaborate. Excited to get going ENTJ-A Yikes!
Bio: My name is Victor, and I'm passionate about learning new skills, growing and many types of sports. I'm currently working as a construction manager.