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2 contributions to Thrive Mama Tribe
Moms, do you REALLY love yourself??
Moms, I have a difficult question for you. Do you love yourself? Really, truly love yourself? When you first see this, you might be thinking of course I do, silly. But now I'm going to challenge you. Go to a mirror and say I love you. What do you feel? Feel any icky feelings, twinges, pains, nausea, or anything else? If so, it means you don't love yourself as much as you think you do. I experience this in an unexpected way 2 weeks ago. During a class we were given an exercise to address self limiting beliefs and subconscious programming that might be holding us back. I couldn't think of anything, so decided I'd work on it later. The next morning I did something I NEVER do. During my work hours I responded to an Instagram notification and I typically don't do this during the day so I stay productive. When I clicked on Instagram a post showed up talking about unconditional love for your children and in that moment a thought struck me, and it was, "you love your kids more than you love yourself." In that moment I broke down crying because this was clearly something I needed to work on that my subconscious was making me aware of. I didn't think this was the case because of the emotional, trauma, and self growth work I've done over at the last 12 years, but especially the last 2. I've done so much work surrounding limiting beliefs, self worth and self love that I didn't think this was actually possible. And I KNOW I need to love myself just as much as I love my kids so I can show up and be the best version of me for them. So I reached into my toolbox and worked on the WHY behind that. And each day repeat that statement, "you love your kids more than you love yourself." I eventually got to the place where I didn't cry or even feel any of the negative, icky feelings. I actually felt GOOD when I said it. Then I said, "I love you," to myself in the mirror and felt amazing (that's never happened before). What makes me sad is that I see this everyday in my practice and out in the world. Moms that won't prioritize themselves because of those self limiting beliefs and subconscious programs.
New comment Feb 20
Moms, do you REALLY love yourself??
1 like • Feb 20
Made me cry too! I need to work on loving myself again.
Welcome to the Village! ***Read First***
We want to get to know you, so please tell us about yourself my answering the following questions. 1. Who are you, where are you from, and if you work- what do you do? Drop a photo too if you'd like! 2. What are your biggest wants and desires from this community? 3. What do you do for fun? 4. Fun or interesting fact about yourself? I'll go first 😊 1. I'm Stephanie Davis and I live in Colorado, just north of Colorado Springs in a town that sits at 7,500 feet above sea level (we get some crazy weather patterns here). I've been many things professionally: a microbiologist (5 years) -> then Functional Medicine Practitioner (17 years) and Medical and Research Consultant (7 years)-> and about 4 years ago I started doing many energetic, emotional and trauma courses and certifications. My favorite thing is being a mama to my precious kiddos (who are currently almost 6 and 10.5). 2. My desire for this community is for it to be the VILLAGE WE ALL WANT AND NEED. The phrase "it takes a village" originates from an African Proverb and conveys the message that it takes many people- an entire extended support system- to raise children and for everyone to thrive and flourish. This is our village!!! 3. My favorite thing to do for fun and relaxation is to get into the mountains. One of my favorite phrases is, "the mountains are calling and I must answer." That is truly my happy place (or snuggling my kiddos). 4. Fun fact: I have deep family roots in the political scene here is the U.S. Maternally I'm distantly related to the Kennedy's but paternally I am a direct descendant of Aaron Burr (yes, the guy who shot Alexander Hamilton is literally on my family tree).
New comment Feb 14
1 like • Feb 14
@Stephanie Davis HI everyone! My name is Varta, I'm a food blogger and baker turned stay at home mom to a 6 month old baby girl. I'd love to meet like minded moms who are also finding that balance between being a mom and still being themselves. For fun, I know it's not the healthiest or most productive habit, but I love having a glass of wine and playing any Super Mario games. A fun fact about me is that I actually graduated from medical school before making the switch to the culinary world and focusing on food and baking. Looking forward to "meeting" you all!
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Varta Ariaban
3points to level up
Proud Persian mama in Chicago

Active 226d ago
Joined Feb 13, 2024
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