Bio: || 🚢 ✍Health Ghostwriter |🥐Linguaphile |🧬 6th Yr Medical Student || I ghostwrite for CEOs and professionals of the healthcare and wellness industry
Bio: I write about personal branding, running a solo business 20+ years & my incurable business book addiction. Closet punk rocker. British humour my own.
Bio: I help you stay married, homeschool, and thrive while caring for a child with special needs. Married 25 years. Homeschooler 6 years. I know Autism.
Bio: PR, marketing & communications for luxury jewellery, orchestra & local radio classical music program | Former B2B tech PR | Accomplished violinist
Bio: Building Critical Thinking for Neurosparklers: The Grown Up Guide to Living the Dream
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Embrace your Bird Brain
Bio: Many Americans are unhappy because they don't know who they are or understand America's world role. Would this awakening lead to a global Renaissance?