Conversions are directly tied to the quality of your conversations
Think about this for a moment. Consumers as a whole don't trust Realtors. Why would any lead, or referral for that matter, trust us until we have met and gotten to know each other or spoken at length? Stop measuring the amount of calls you make each day and measure the quality conversations you have each day. How long were they? How productive were they at building a relationship? How effective were your questions? How much of the call was them speaking vs you speaking? These are the things I want to know. For me I really have to slow down and not have any distractions around me. I tend to want to move fast so I have to really focus on asking effective questions and asking the question to the question. You know, the questions that dig a little deeper than you were able to get out of the initial question. The "Tell me more about_____?" questions. If your conversations are 90% them speaking and answering questions and 10% you offering thoughts and suggestions then you won. Let's hear your thoughts and tricks for having effective conversations?