2.25! Yes, you read correctly, ONLY 2 1/4 hours of sleep.
Last night, I was online for TTT and a study group, dedicated to completing an example that demonstrates how I set my goals and break them down to build momentum towards success. I also researched to assist those who had reached out here for help. At 3:30 a.m., my husband, who was leaving for his part-time retirement job, noticed I was still awake. Despite going to bed at 6 a.m., I was up again at 8:20 a.m. Many can relate to this, especially as we age and our bodies demand those middle-of-the-night bathroom breaks, regardless of how much sleep we've managed to get lol! Do any of you find yourselves bending your own rules to achieve the recommended seven or eight hours of sleep for your success? #committedtomysuccess #committedtothiscommunity #knowwhentostop #leaderHERship #bekindtoyourself