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A.I. Profits Vault

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Welcome to "A.I. Profits Vault" Skool Group. Our goal is a simple one. To help people gain their freedom & quit the rat race (j-o-b).

Freedom From The Rat Race

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Welcome to "Freedom From The Rat Race (J-O-B)" Skool Group. Our goal is a simple one. To help people gain their freedom & quit the rat race (j-o-b).


Royalty Ronin

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A.I. Royalty Rockstars

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9 contributions to A.I. Royalty Rockstars
A.I. = Real Fast Recurring Royalty Payment$
I've got a library of video content going back to 2014. One of the things I'm excitedly focused on is using AI to repurpose the content into books, courses, membership programs and so much MORE! I am blown away by what Claude AI, Perplexity, and POE AI can create that I can monetize with the licensing model. 👍There are endless licensing money machines to build using A.I. 👀I believe MARRYING AI and Licensing gives birth to the most stress-free income babies ever born! If you don't have content of your own? There are heaps of coaches, consultants, content creators, experts, and business owners with a fortune in IP just "sitting under their mattresses." ...without the know-how or time to monetize it. How interested would you be in me talking more about AI and royalty payments? 🖕1= I'd rather spend a weekend at my mother-in-law's than use AI to earn royalties. 👍10= I'd spend a weekend with my mother-in-law to learn more! (or somewhere in between? LOL) Sound off 👇 Thanks in advance! Rooting For Ya, Travis
Complete action
New comment 35m ago
A.I. = Real Fast Recurring Royalty Payment$
1 like • Aug 10
The $1k a Day Skool $ales Machine
$1k a day... I’ve been tinkering again. Over the last 18 months... I’ve been using Polls + DM in Skool groups and cranking out $200k plus in small groups of less than 500 members. (No phone calls - no webinars - no VSLs- and selling offers from $500 to $20,000) Averaging well over $1k a day with small Skool communities...with 3 Question Polls! (It’s nearly impossible to do with FB groups.) Plus… It’s so simple I’ve got peeps doing the tapping/selling for me. I've lovingly put it all in a training roadmap for you called 6-Figure Poll Tapping. 👉For a few days, if there's interest, I want you to have it ON ME! 👇Are you considering starting a small Skool community at all?👇
64 members have voted
New comment 20d ago
3 likes • Aug 8
I'm in!!
Licensing website content
Travis, do you or does anyone here in the group have any experience with licensing SEO optimized content for websites? I have always given my extremely thorough, nearly perfect SEO optimized content away with my high-end package. This content has generated millions for clients over the years. I am wondering how to go about licensing this content rather than giving it away for free. Any insights on this are most appreciated. Thx!
New comment Aug 2
1 like • Aug 1
Thanks for taking your time and energy to share these great ideas! Let me peruse your suggestions a bit and see what lightbulb goes off. This is about as close to being in my wheelhouse as far as licensing content goes. I am pretty good at creating E-E-A-T content that Google loves, then giving that to the right companies for high value keywords, if that makes sense. The right keyword in position #1, with buyer search intent can make millions for the right biz. Fun stuff...just don't know how scalable this is. Maybe more of a onesie twosie type of situation, but can be very lucrative as far as licensing goes when done correctly.
1 like • Aug 2
Yep, single pieces of content. Probs not the Royalty Rockstar way, but I am simply addicted to SEO and ranking properties. Unfortunately I see no way to package my process as there are so many variables to ranking a web page and is unique to each client/niche. If that makes sense.
Public Domain Goldmine
That was the title of an info product (on CD) by a friend of mine from over 20 years ago, named Yanik Silver. You don't need that CD to understand the concept: There are thousands (probably millions) of books and other publications that are now in the public domain! Which means...the copyrights have expired and they can be used (by anyone) in pretty much any way they want. Such as re-publishing. Or editing into a new version. Or a version with YOUR insights and commentary. So you're thinking "Yeah, but OLD stuff is old and not interesting to people today." THINK AGAIN! Sure, some books are outdated and have no real use today, but...there are so many that ARE or COULD BE useful today, that it boggles the mind when you look into it. It really IS a GOLDMINE. (even if you don't have Yanik's CD and course on the topic). Q: How hard is get rights to books and other works in the public domain? A: You already have the rights to these assets...NO NEGOTIATION NECESSARY!!!! Oh yeah, did I mention how EASY it is to us A.I. to research and re-purpose and re-write public domain works? ""Even truth needs to be clad in new garments if it is to appeal to a new age." - Georg C. Lichtenberg
New comment Jul 9
1 like • Jul 2
@John McDermott so many opportunities, so little time. The older I get, the more fun it gets!
1 like • Jul 2
@John McDermott that would have been a fun event to have gone to. I never believed the grumpy old man persona. Glad to hear the opposite is true.
(Part 2) The Rockstar “Plan B” Retirement Plan
Cover your rent + every month… There are 574 online course marketplace listings on eLearningIndustry directory. If all you had was one (old or new) course on Udemy, Skillshare, Clickbank, LinkedIn Learning, and other biggies... My guess is that with a wee bit of time, your royalties would surpass the average U.S. rent ($1518 per month). Give it a year... ...and I'd predict your royalty income would cover your rent AND give you more than the average social security payment FREE AND CLEAR ($1778 a month) Those are just guesses. I've had courses do $1500 a day. Don't expect that. But.. 👉That's just for moving one old course gathering dust on the digital cloud to an active online learning marketplace. It's exciting. The grit in the cake is that it takes work to repurpose the old courses and set them up according to each marketplace's requirements. What if? There was a service to do that FOR YOU? 👉You provide the course (old or new) 👉We put it on the RELEVANT marketplaces, driving new sales, customers, and revenue for you while you do what you do. 👉We split the revenue 50/50 Would you take me up on it❓❓❓
73 members have voted
New comment Jun 27
(Part 2) The Rockstar “Plan B” Retirement Plan
2 likes • Jun 25
100%! I have some great content, but just never get it out there. My "old" plan ain't working very well for collecting royalties with owned content and love this "new" plan!
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Todd Ramse
5points to level up
Sales Rainmaker. Investor. Marketer. Licensing & Royalty partnering.

Active 1h ago
Joined Feb 9, 2024
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