10 Things from The Strangest Secret
Definition of Success- progressive realization of a worthy ideal. It is important to have a clear goal and working towards completion! Power of thoughts - As the old adage says “words and thoughts have molding powers”. We become what we think about! Attitude - Your attitude plays a major role in all outcomes - thinking positively renders optimism and perseverance Cause and effect - Success is not luck. By taking consistent positive actions we create the causes that lead to success. Goals - You absolutely need them to go anywhere in life and people with defined goals are more likely to achieve them. On going learning - Learning and personal development are key to success. Develop a habit of reading and studying as it provides knowledge and insights that can be applied in various areas in life. Be a go getter, take initiative - successful people are proactive in pursuing their goals. Belief - Adopt positive beliefs about ourselves and potential success Taking responsibility - We are responsible for our own lives, don’t blame others or circumstances for our failures. Conformity - Don’t just exist in this life, but live it. Understand that their is more to life than the fears that were embedded in you. Break any generational curses that says otherwise.