When dealing with inspection at origin , is it the origin or the manufactured/vendor, or is the point of origin my company. (If supplier sends the content and the origin is me and inspection fails wouldn’t that be a huge mess up)?
@Calrin Faulkner Thanks for the clarification, agreed … this isn’t complete drop shipping because we have to receive the product . Thanks for the clarification your awesome
@Rudy Cadena thanks mate. Yeah I found that out. I am going to stay away from those origin solicitations until I scale up. I have good experience in the aviation industry so once I scale getting certificates and stuff should be a breeze. Appreciate the advice and heads up.
I am a sales executive and I specialize in aircraft parts procurement. Engines and starters and everything else under the sun . I sell to lots of airline comapnies and organize MRO services for them as well . Going to get into the Government side of things as well now .