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Bad Hombres

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3 contributions to Bad Hombres
The Price of Discipline: Reflections on the Burden of Performance
Listen to the full article on spotify here As a 34-year-old man who's lived a life of discipline, I can tell you this: The burden of performance is heavy, and the weight of it is often overlooked by those around you. Society loves to cheer for the comeback story, for the person who pulls themselves out of a dark place. But there's little recognition for the man who's walked the straight line all his life, who has always been responsible, disciplined, and focused on the future. I've never been the guy who partied until 3 a.m., who dabbled in drugs, or who spent recklessly without a care for tomorrow. My life has been one of sacrifice, of saying "no" when others said "yes," and of choosing the hard path because I knew it was the right one. But living this way comes at a cost, and that cost is often paid in loneliness and resentment. When you present yourself as a strong person, people assume you're okay. They assume you don't need support, that you're fine on your own. And so, they don't check in. They don't visit, whether you're living five hours away from family or ten minutes down the road. Very few people care about your well-being when you seem like you've got it all together. But the truth is, those of us who live this way often feel like we're just a source of energy for others—people want things from us, whether it's advice, money, or favors, but they rarely offer anything in return. This life can be incredibly isolating. I've spent many nights alone, wondering why the world seems to favor the irresponsible, the reckless, the ones who live for the moment without a thought for the future. There's a part of me that resents the fact that women often choose those guys—the ones who are out partying, who are carefree and wild—over the responsible ones. I can't help but feel that if I were living that kind of life, I'd have more companions, more people around me. But because I've chosen discipline, because I've stayed focused on building a future, I've ended up with some very lonely nights where the only person clapping for me is me.
New comment Aug 24
1 like • Aug 24
I turned 30 a month ago, and it just hit me that I have never spent a night partying in my 20s. I always turned it down to work on myself. Much rather spend the night at the gym than drinking and all that. It's rewarding af
0 likes • Aug 24
@Christopher Meneses agreed 💯
Mention one goal you have that you want to accomplish before the end of 2024.
New comment Aug 18
3 likes • Aug 17
I wanted to hit 200 lbs but maybe that might push it too far lol so I’m assessing. But be more disciplined in the rest of 2024.
1 like • Aug 18
@Joe Seeman yessir and I had several setbacks in the first half of 2024 but I’m glad to have come this far so far now. 💪🏼 thank you!
Welcome! Introduce yourself
Let's get to know each other! Comment below sharing where you are in the world
New comment Aug 8
3 likes • Aug 7
Hey! One of @Joe Seeman’s bodybuilding clients. I live locally in Ottawa. Grew up in Kuwait - so not so third world, but I come from Egypt which is pretty third world
0 likes • Aug 8
@Joe Seeman thanks man!
1-3 of 3
Steven Estafanos
12points to level up
Only half bad. Lol

Active 9d ago
Joined Aug 7, 2024
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