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5 contributions to Manifest Soul Aligned Clients
Essential Manifest Soul Aligned Clients Replay
The Essential Manifest Soul Aligned Clients Mindset Masterclass replay is now in the classroom! It will automatically unlock for any member in seven days, but if you want access NOW, just let me know in the comments and I'll give you instant access. 😀 🙌🏼 Here's what we covered in the masterclass! It was SO powerful. You could see the aha moments happening!!!! The Essential Manifest Soul Aligned Clients Mindset Masterclass: How to live, think, and be high ticket to attract high ticket clients Here's the deal: Mindset work is one thing, but LIVING IN an elevated mindset is a totally different story. In this masterclass, we will completely and permanently elevate your mindset and therefore the clients you attract into your business. I’m going to take you through a process I use with my high ticket clients… …because I want you to get the CORE, most important mindset and energetic shift that WILL make it possible for you to call in soul aligned clients and hit $10K months. You will live, breathe, feel, act, think, and BE in the high ticket vibe after this masterclass. When we talk about “energetic blocks” around manifesting, there’s ONE major one that almost no one really knows or understands. I’m going to show you how to clear it in this workshop. Then I'll take you behind the scenes into my business and show you exactly how to turn yourself into a high ticket coach who attracts amazing, soul aligned clients who value your work! As always, I'll reserve some time for Celtic Seer hot seats! (That's my intuitive gift for seeing your niche, calling, and spiritual superpower as well as your money-making path.)
New comment 14m ago
0 likes • 7h
Yes!! I would love to access it as well. Thank you!!
Imagine this…
It’s already happened - several new soul aligned clients registered for your high ticket program! Looking back, what was the first step you took to make this happen?
New comment 24m ago
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Exactly what I want for my dream clients... Becoming the highest and best version of myself, dedicated to serving.
What do you WISH would happen...?
As we head into this week and get excited about Wednesday's masterclass, WOOT, I just want to let you know that you're going to TOTALLY change your mindset and energy FOREVER - not even kidding. This masterclass changes everything. As I'm prepping it, I'd love to know what you WISH would happen in your business when it comes to attracting clients. What would be ideal?
New comment 3h ago
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Place your vision in the present moment or as if it has already transpired and you are enjoying the fruits of your success.
0 likes • 1d
@Abigail Morgan Wow! Mind totally blown 🤯 I can do this!! 🙏💜
Welcome to the Manifest Soul Aligned Clients Community!
New to the community? Introduce yourself in the comments so we can get to know you! Welcome, and I'm SO glad you're here. The focus of this community is to inspire you to manifest soul aligned clients by elevating your niche, messaging, and program to call in those high ticket clients! Everything in the community will center around these three pillars, which are the building blocks for manifesting those sorts of amazing, fun, and inspiring clients: 1. Have an effective daily manifesting practice 2. Have a clear message and know exactly who your ideal soul aligned clients are 3. Have a group program that serves them on a soul level  I’ll be teaching live events in the community around these pillars and with this vision in mind! (Check the calendar for our next live event!) As you comment and post here in the community, you'll unlock mini courses from me that will help you with this vision as well. The more you participate, the more support you get! 🌟🙌🏼 My philosophy around running an online business as a heart-centered coach, healer, or therapist is that working in your business and growing it should NOT lead to burnout and running ourselves into the ground. BUT, it's easy to fall into that trap as recovering perfectionists and people who tend to pressure ourselves! 😵‍💫 😂 I created my Slacker Magic Manifesting System to escape the hustle and grind and actually ENJOY having a coaching business! Now I teach coaches this system so they can manifest those soul-aligned clients. I'll be sharing elements from that system here in the community to help you have a mind-body-spirit friendly business. I use somatic practices, breath, energy work, AND practical magic to help coaches reach this exciting elevated client and messaging vision. I also have a weird intuitive gift, which I call the Celtic Seer (because of my heritage). This allows me to get a vision for you of your spiritual superpower, your niche, your message, and your modality. In many of my live events you can get a hot seat with the Celtic Seer to get started with that clarity!
New comment 3h ago
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@Angela Winter So lovely to meet you, darling! I may actually need your service so let's connect!
1 like • 1d
@Angela Winter Thanks so much, dear! I will check it out!!
Celtic Seer Hot Seats Tomorrow!
Tomorrow’s The Essential Manifest Soul Aligned Clients Mindset Masterclass: How to live, think, and be high ticket to attract high ticket clients includes Celtic Seer hot seats! Haven’t heard me talk about those before? The Celtic Seer is my intuitive gift that allows me to see your niche, your message, your spiritual superpower, and your money making path FOR you. I’ve always had visions for myself and others. I just didn’t learn how to articulate and share this gift with my clients for many years! Honestly, I actually hid this gift for a while. I didn’t want to get called out for it or ridiculed. Once I worked through all of that stuff, though, I set the Celtic Seer in me FREE. That’s when my business REALLY took off. Which makes sense, because doing what I’m really meant to do is obviously going to be far more expansive energetically than pushing it down. Now, I just have a ton of freaking fun all the time in my business. I’m really passionate about helping YOU access and articulate your spiritual superpower so that you can unlock your true calling, your “niche,” and the magnetic flow of clients to you. We’ll get started with that for anyone who wants a hot seat tomorrow! And, of course, we’ll be covering exactly how to LIVE in a high ticket mindset, for GOOD. Holy cow I’m so excited! Register in the pinned post!
New comment 2d ago
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1 like • 2d
@Tammy Braswell Cool beans!! I'll be there!!
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Sola Howard
5points to level up
Hi! I'm a Manifestation and Law of Assumption coach also dedicated to helping others grow emotionally and spiritually.

Active 35m ago
Joined Sep 17, 2024
Candler, NC, USA
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