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Orange Data Cloud

Private โ€ข 21 โ€ข $999/m

Universidad QA

Public โ€ข 13 โ€ข Free

Julie's Garden Club

Private โ€ข 49 โ€ข $13/m

Gardening - Beginner To Pro!

Private โ€ข 192 โ€ข Free

Software Testing University

Private โ€ข 92 โ€ข $27/m

STU Lite

Public โ€ข 192 โ€ข Free

Grow Food Gardening

Private โ€ข 22 โ€ข Free

26 contributions to STU Lite
Skool Games Closing Motivation
Hey All, As most of you know, we have been competing in the Skool Games this month and the contest ends today at 5pm ET. The top 10 community owners for the month win a trip to Vegas to meet and train with Alex Hormozi and Sam Ovens (the co-owners of Skool) as well as the other top 10 finishers. For most of the month we were hanging tough in the top 10, but over the last few days, other groups have been coming on strong and we just haven't been able to sustain enough sales of STU Premium. We currently find ourselves in 14th and would need a bunch of sales to make it back to top 10. While "it's not over until it's over", it's not looking good for us at the moment. Winning the Skool Games is not something I was planning to go for, but we just started really trying when we found ourselves in the top 10. We had no ambitions to win, no strategy, no plan up until that point. Needless to say, a win would have been extremely lucky given those circumstances. So, today as things wind down with the Skool Games, I wanted to share with you one of my favorite quotes. It's helped me through many trying times as a former athlete. This is for anyone who's jaded due to their job search, anyone who suffers from imposter syndrome, and especially those folks who are giving it their all and patiently waiting for their success story to be written. โ€œIt is not the critic who counts; not the one who points out how the strong person stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends themself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if they fail, at least fails while daring greatly, so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.โ€ - Teddy Roosevelt
New comment 3d ago
all the best everyone
STU Mobile App?
If we had a mobile app what would be the most valuable feature for you?
13 members have voted
New comment 4d ago
access any stuff we are looking for (QA) from anywhere. I hope everyone got my point.
Intro to QA Masterclass in 10 Minutes!!!
Join here!!!
New comment 5d ago
Intro to QA Masterclass in 10 Minutes!!!
@Joe DeFilippo , sorry I missed it. when is the next. I will hop in to the session
QA in day to day life
As a QA guy, i would love to know from other QA's their implementation of QA in day to day life rather than only software. where it is implemented and what was the impact of it. finally where did you find the difference. as far as I am concerned as a farmer i implement QA in soil/seed selection/plant selection/ harvest parameters and on top of it budgeting. I can go into inner details in my subject part. I would love to see others also come up with their opinions. It will be really helpful. Thank you
New comment 6d ago
@Joe DeFilippo perfect role played by a QA
Exciting Changes to the Classroom!
Dear Testers, Please be aware of these exciting changes coming to the Testing Training Tribe Classroom: 1. All Software Testing Fundamentals videos are now unlocked ๐Ÿ™Œ 2. All ISTQB - CTFL modules will be unlocked today, so you can study for your ISTQB Foundations level exam with us absolutely free ๐Ÿฅฐ 3. We will be adding and unlocking a BRAND new course today - ISTQB-CTFL-Agile Tester for those who want to take their ISTQB certifications to the next level๐Ÿš€ Happy testing and please let me know if you have any questions! Thanks, Joe P.S. If you're hoping to land a new role as a software QA ASAP, you need to join our STU Premium program. We'll get you making money as a tester within a matter of weeks and guarantee a new role in 90 days or less for a one-time investment of $999. Oh, and if we can't deliver, we'll give you your money back. The price is going up to $2499 on 6/29, so act now! Know a friend who may be interested? We're paying a generous referral bonus to anyone who can bring new students to sign up for the program!!! See more information here or feel free to DM me:
New comment 6d ago
Exciting Changes to the Classroom!
@Joe DeFilippo awesome
@Joe DeFilippo Thank you
1-10 of 26
Simhadri Umakanth Phanindar, I would love to say that I am into IT again after a long gap of 10plus years in farming, training school kids.

Active 2h ago
Joined May 3, 2024
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