I am delighted to inform you all that I have successfully earned the Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification from the Project Management Institute on my first attempt. I am proud to share that I scored "Above Target" in all three domains. This certification is a testament to my relentless dedication and thirst for continuous growth. It mandates thorough knowledge of the People, Process, and Business Environment domains used in Waterfall and Agile methodologies. My joy knew no bounds when I saw "Above Target" scores in all three domains. In that moment, my last four months of dedicated effort flashed before my eyes. @Andrew Ramdayal Your impact on my journey cannot be overstated. Your content across various platforms has been invaluable, shaping not only my skills but also my mindset. I've lost track of how many times I've binge-watched the Mindset videos. I wholeheartedly endorse your Udemy course to anyone embarking on a similar path. Thank you!! https://www.linkedin.com/posts/shubham-pangavhane-pmp%C2%AE-214527172_pmp-pmpcertified-neverstoplearning-activity-7220087220664201216-89qR?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop