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Men of High-Status Networking

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5 contributions to Men of High-Status Networking
DM Process & Rules?
Questions: When messaging the 2k-4k influencers/models to invite them to an event (example: charity event in LA or Vegas that's not your own)... Are there particular rules of do's and dont's when cold DM'ing them? What's the best way to word the invite message? A couple of lines of text only? Include a link to the event's website or IG page, or no? Any examples? Also, how do you avoid triggering IG's spam sensor, while getting as many DM's out as quickly as possible? I imagine there's a max # of cold DM's you can send out in a day or per hour, etc., especially if you aren't following them and never communicated before.
New comment Jun 4
1 like • Jun 3
@Jordan Woods that's awesome! thank you!
1 like • Jun 3
@John Hindley what's IVE?
No results no motivation
I made a lot of good healthy decisions the last 11 years, however I am loosing discipline, I am not hitting the gym 4-5 times a week anymore, it’s more like 3 times. I’m skinnier and it’s still not enough, how exactly do you stay motivated when it doesn’t matter, your not perfect so they don’t want you, why out any more effort in? I am a results driven individual and I have the discipline to stay away from fast food but 28-33 have been the healthiest years of my life and I have the same results I did from 17-27. So life is just constant work with no pay off? I don’t know how to get a lean action figure like physique
New comment Jun 3
3 likes • Jun 3
The two things that KILL motivation, drive, energy, focus, etc. that I've realized: - Dopamine addiction - Comfort Those two things are ruining men, and have had an impact on me for sure. It's extremely rare to find anyone who's not been impacted by those two things, especially in today's society - with social media, Netflix, junk/fast foods right at our fingertips, living in a 1st world country where our day to day survival is not at any kind of risk, etc. I know you said you've cut out junk foods and such. But where else might you be allowing your dopamine addiction to get its 'fix'? Endless social media scrolling? YouTube and podcast binging? Sports news/ESPN? Buying shit you don't need off Amazon or just window shopping? Those were all mine lol. Dopamine hits are a sneaky little bitch. And same goes for comfort. If you got a job where all your life expenses are covered, roof over your head, food on the table, and almost no worries about surviving next month... You're just going to keep cruising because your brain is going to have virtually ZERO sense of urgency to do shit that feels uncomfortable and risky, whether real or perceived. Even though you've got to do uncomfortable things (esp at first) to grow and progress... until those things feel normal and even enjoyable to you. My advice: - Dopamine Addiction: Ruthlessly cut out even the littlest things that might be giving you that dopamine 'hit' (ESPECIALLY late at night when your'e just 'chillin'. Easier said than done.) Now you're going to get bored out of your f'n MIND at first, possibly for days and days... until something really cool happens: you start enjoying far more productive things, like training, working on your business or IG branding/marketing, socializing with friends in person, reading books, traveling, going for hikes, etc. You know... normal shit that normal people did for ages LOL. - Comfort: Some ideas include quitting your job if it's not fulfilling you, or move to different (better) town with more options and maybe a bit more pricey, but now you gotta get your shit together to survive, or hire a coach that will keep you accountable and put pressure on you, Make friends who are playing at higher level than you and that push you to go to the gym, etc. What can you do to invite a little bit of pressure, but that' feels kinda exciting?
Networking in Austin TX
Yo. I'm a student and aspiring DJ in Austin. Looking to network with action minded folks to level up our social media and throw high status events. Post your ig in the chat if you are in the city and you can connect with me here:
New comment Feb 18
0 likes • Feb 18
@Andre Jarboe @Oluwole Akeredolu in Austin. just messaged both of you.
Breaking News: Trump Indicted - Updated 3/30/2023
*Source BLOOMBERG / CBS NEWS NY: Non-political post. INTEL: This can create a civil war on Tuesday. We are witnessing multiple black swan events in the banking sector. The bank plumbing is broken. We can witness a political collapse simultaneously. *This would be the icing on the cake.
New comment Mar '23
Breaking News: Trump Indicted - Updated 3/30/2023
4 likes • Mar '23
I highly HIGHLY recommend reading Michael Franzese's book 'Mafia Democracy'. Very insightful from a guy who worked directly with corrupt politicians for a long time within the mafia. For those who don't know, he's a former member of the Colombo crime family in NY who went to prison after Giuliani took him down in the 90's. (Funny Giuliani wrote the forward to his book b/c they now respect each other.) His YouTube channel is fantastic with 1million+ subscribers. A reformed guy who's all about helping people now and devote Christian. I think it's an important read for every American to really understand how far the corruption actually goes, and how the gov't really does operate like a Mafia, based on facts.
1 like • Mar '23
@Sean Wieland Yeah I'm sure all that's true. But if you want to see it in action behind the scenes, with all the crazy stories and actual accounts, read it. It's nuts lol. I just like the book because it's beyond just theories and ideas and philosophy. He gives you stories and verifiable things specific well-known/famous politicians have done right under our noses. And still going to this day. It'll infuriate you for sure. One of the most fascinating things Franzese has said more than once: the most easily bought/corrupt-able politicians were by FAR Democrats. Amazing.
Type Of Events
Someone mentioned there are 5 type of events. What are those? Listed anywhere?
New comment Mar 27
2 likes • Mar '23
@Stathis Kapnidis thanks brotha. What's a 'List' party if you don't mind me asking?
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Shiraz Khan
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Joined Feb 27, 2023
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