Bio: Founder of Elite Productivity. Building top tier solutions and strategies for digital entrepreneurs to multiply productive output & get time back.
Bio: 37yrs self employed,, need to change, learn, be better than l was, protect my family in this world .. that’s why l’m here dating after 45yrs, Scary!
Bio: Born in 1960. Have mastered several trades. Oil field was favorite. Looking to be me and have a life not dedicated to serving others unconditionally
Bio: Hi I'm Janet. I started LMA over a year ago. Joined WCA and onto Skool. Love the program for all the knowledge, wisdom, and awareness it has given me.
Bio: Hi LMA Family, I arrived needing to conquer procrastination and am learning to conquer so many clustered misguided thinking flaws. Brain in training!!
Bio: As a physical trainer, nurse, and follower of integrative medicine, I healed chronic pain naturally. I'm being trained as a health coach &facilitator.