Bio: 55 twirls around the sun, Pisces-Pisces-Capricorn, Nor Cali is home, founder of W.E.C.A.N., cannabis advocate, mixed media artist, succulent lover.
Bio: I am a Pisces Sun Moon Cancer! I answered the call to purse my souls journey. It’s here that I hope to connect, learn, nurture and develop my gifts.
Bio: I celebrate Nature, the natural world and the human spirit immersed within it.
I find comfort in knowing we are a part of nature, not apart from it.
Bio: If you ever want a reading, message me! I use tarot, oracle cards, Elder Futhark runes, and various forms of scrying and I love getting practice! ✨🖤✨
Bio: Hi I'm Michelle! I'm an intuitive and currently studying to become an Ayurvedic Practitioner. I love doing Shamanic healings, Reiki, & Sound healings!
Bio: My name is Elizabeth. I'm an extroverted introvert with a goofy personality. I'm a wife, mom, professional photographer and a little spicy brained.
Bio: Sooo glad to be with you all, like minded big hearted high priestesses!
Mom, Ed Assistant, Reiki healer, lover, nature nut Seeker, reader, runner,danc