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7 contributions to Freedom Academy
Write Your Journal Entries Below!
As mentioned in the modules, the recovery journal is a very effective way to go on the offensive with your recovery. Up to this point, you have been reacting to urges, intrusive thoughts, and fantasies. Now it is time to go on the offensive! So here is how you can use this journal to maximize success: (I will know if you don't use this) Daily Entry: You can do one or both of these entries for your daily... 1) Talk about benefits, vision, or the "why" for that day. This can keep you mindful of why you want to get over your sexual vices, especially early on. You can even do the opposite, even though I personally don't use this one very often. So you can talk about what your life would be like if you were to continue to act out with porn, masturbation, or sex workers. 2) You can plan for you day in terms of recovery... Are you anticipating a stressful day? Plan on how you will deal with the stress when it comes up so you can ensure that you don't use a sexual outlet instead. Expecting down time? Create a plan... Use this entry to plan for potential pain agents so you can deal with them properly. This is my favorite use of the recovery journal and something that I still use to this day! Reactive Entry: Use this entry when you find yourself dealing with an urge. WHY? Because you will have DATA. WHY did the urge come? WHERE were you? HOW did you react? WHAT can you do in the future? It can even stop you from acting out, especially if you were to talk about your "why". Retrospective Entry: This is done after any setbacks that you may experience... Most men try to forget the experience ASAP because they don't want to sit in the pain. However, there is so much important data they aren't considering like WHY? WHEN? What can I do better on in the future? The men that have the most success in recovery collect this data when a setback occurs. If you want success, you do these daily below...
New comment 16h ago
Write Your Journal Entries Below!
3 likes • 2d
My weekend went well. No urges. I’m on a slimming schedule and keeping fit journey doing well to make progress. I’m motivated to keep this peace in my heart and peace in my mind for all time. Not looking forward to jeopardizing any of it. I realize I’m on the path to almost walking out of this dark forest to where the land is beautiful and sunny with a nice wind blowing all around me. I believe I have enough strength at this point to never look back. I’m not saying it’s a 100% but I believe I have been given enough strength at this point to turn all temptations down. I’m going to keep praying for strength, staying focused and keeping my heart pure. God help us all My prayer : Psalms 54:4 Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me. Give us grace and strength to overcome it all in Jesus name. Amen
1 like • 16h
Yesterday was a good day. Only had a weird dream which I haven’t had in a long time. But I will brush it off and not let it get to me. Sometimes I feel like if the enemy can’t get you physically then he tries spiritually through dreams. My eyes are set on God and on his ways for me. I’m motivated to win this and God willing bring others to victory as well. This perversion is great, spread abroad and wide and is silently winning the hearts and minds of our generation. Some have even normalized it. We can’t accept this for our children and grandchildren. This must end with us standing victorious. I count ALL situations with joy knowing that God worked through all of them to give victory. My prayer is ; Psalms 118:7 The LORD is with me; he is my helper. I look in triumph on my enemies. Whatever means the enemy uses, we will triumph because God is our helper and always with us
Q/A Questions Dropbox
Every Sunday Afternoon I will be hosting a Live Q/A so make it if you can! Otherwise you can drop your questions below and I will answer them on the live recording! The recordings will be in the "content vault" section in the classroom
New comment 9d ago
2 likes • 22d
Question 1 If you have no urges, what does that mean ? Even when you have been exposed to unplanned sexual content or images not intentionally going to seek porn? Question 2 Does journaling your vision everyday rewrite the brain or the brain rewiring occurs when you encounter a temptation and then you use self talk and that’s when the rewiring takes place ?
0 likes • 9d
@Josh Stankiewicz Thanks Coach 🙏🏽
Good Self Talk Video (Going into more detail)
New comment 14d ago
Good Self Talk Video (Going into more detail)
0 likes • 14d
Thanks Coach! This is massive
Just hired a full-time editor!
Get ready brothers! I will start to scale this movement! I've been lazy with posting but that will all change. Please pray for me as I go all in on YouTube and Instagram full-time
New comment 16d ago
0 likes • 16d
You are in or prayers Coach! Thank you for all the support
How to track progress
New comment Apr 29
How to track progress
0 likes • Apr 29
This is a key video. It’s a must watch. Thanks brother
1-7 of 7
Kenzie Meyer
269points to level up
Seeking to learn and to experience the walk in total freedom.

Active 4h ago
Joined Apr 17, 2024
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