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Rising Stars (Free)

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8 contributions to Rising Stars (Free)
Announcement: Leadership Certification - Only 20 Spots Available!
Exciting NEWS! 🚀 We’re thrilled to announce that 20 members will have the exclusive opportunity to be trained and certified as Rising Star Leaders by me personally — completely FREE! 🌟 Watch the video and keep your eyes open for the next steps on how to apply. 🗓️ Applications open on October 1st. Have questions? Drop them in the comments below, and we’ll get back to you!
New comment 3d ago
Announcement: Leadership Certification - Only 20 Spots Available!
1 like • 3d
Amazing opportunity! I’m interested!
Leading Difficult Conversations
The recording of our Masterclass from Tuesday is now available in the Classroom Find it here Key Takeaways: Preparation is Crucial: Before starting a difficult conversation, it's essential to gather all relevant evidence and thoroughly understand the situation. It's important to be clear on the facts, possible reasons for the issue, and the ultimate goal of the conversation. This preparation ensures the discussion stays focused and productive. Conducting the Conversation: A key aspect of steering a conversation is maintaining empathy while being clear. Open-ended questions that encourage dialogue and understanding are recommended, helping avoid blame and fostering a productive discussion. Listening actively and working together to identify underlying issues is essential to create a plan for moving forward. Effective Follow-Up: The conversation doesn’t end once the meeting concludes. Following up is crucial to ensure commitments are honored and to provide ongoing support. This step fosters accountability and helps build trust within the team. Reflect and Improve: After the conversation, take time to reflect on what went well and what could have been improved. This reflection aids in personal growth and helps enhance team dynamics and leadership skills over time. @Sara Martos @Frank Peralta @Kholoud Fayek @Viena Fromm What were your key takeways?
New comment 8d ago
Leading Difficult Conversations
1 like • 8d
For me the biggest takeaway was to realise that a different way of doing things and leading is possible. We need more empathetic leaders willing to have hard conversations in a constructive way.
Delegating Tasks: 10 Steps to Success 🌟
In my early days as a leader, I remember how challenging it was to delegate tasks effectively. The temptation to do everything myself was strong, and trusting others to take ownership of critical tasks was a tough shift. Over time, though, I learned that delegation isn’t just about handing off work—it’s about empowering your team to grow while freeing up your time for bigger strategic moves. Here's how I approach delegation now, and how you can do the same. 1. Choose the Right Person This was one of the hardest lessons I had to learn. You can't just hand off tasks randomly. It’s crucial to pick someone who not only has the skills but also the capacity to take on the work. Early on, I often overloaded the wrong people, which led to stress and poor outcomes. Don’t make the same mistake—be intentional about matching tasks to the right person. 2. Describe the Task Clearly Clarity is everything. When I was starting out, I’d often think, “They’ll figure it out,” but that only led to confusion. Now, I make sure to describe the task in detail and lay out exactly what I expect. When everyone knows what the goal is, execution becomes so much smoother. 3. Set Clear Deadlines and Milestones I used to be vague about deadlines—“Let’s aim for sometime next week,” I’d say, and then wonder why things weren’t done on time. Trust me, this doesn’t work. Be specific: “I need this by Friday at noon” leaves no room for interpretation, and it keeps things on track. 4. Establish Clear Expectations I've learned to give people the freedom to approach tasks in their own way, but I also set clear expectations for when and how I want updates. Delegating doesn’t mean disappearing; it’s about balancing autonomy with accountability. 5. Offer Support One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that offering support doesn’t mean you’re taking over. It’s about being available when your team needs you while letting them handle the work. I always tell my team, “I’m here if you need me, but I trust you to figure it out.”
New comment 8d ago
Delegating Tasks: 10 Steps to Success 🌟
1 like • 8d
Very insightful! I never thought about number one because my teams were small and only could delegate to a few people (whether they were the right person or not for the task). But indeed, it’s a very relevant point. My biggest challenge was to let go “my way” of doing things to welcome “it’s delivered correctly and on time”. This mindset change saved me a lot of time, headaches and empowered the team to deliver better results.
This 3 Networking Tips Changed My Career
Looking to boost your career? This are the things I wished I had known earlier and therefore I want you to get to know them asap. Networking is one of the key components of successful leadership careers. Let me know in the comments if you have ever tried one of the Career Networking tips I mention in this video.
New comment 18d ago
This 3 Networking Tips Changed My Career
1 like • 18d
Very useful! I use the birthday trick, but will start using the other tips too!
Career Networking
Thanks for joining the Networking Master Class yesterday. @Frank Peralta, @Kholoud Fayek , @Christian Wastlhuber , @Sara Martos please share one of the aha moments you had during our call. P.S. Recording will be up in the CLASSROOM soon
New comment 29d ago
Career Networking
2 likes • 29d
I was impressed with your strategic approach. How you choose who you want to connect with. And the aha moment was when I realised that we already do these “tricks” in other areas of our lives (e.g sales, dating 😂). Even if they are the Director or the CEO, they are just people and keeping that in mind makes it easier.
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Sara Martos
3points to level up
Hello, I’m Sara. I’m a strategist and marketing consultant. I’m excited about connecting and learning together.

Active 3d ago
Joined Aug 8, 2024
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