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12 contributions to The Youtube Game
Is it a good example?
So im a nintendo fan, but i dont know which path to take so in taking a youtuber called Smallant, he plays Zelda, Mario, Pokemon and Minecraft i felt like it was perfect for me, what do you think?
New comment Jul 27
1 like • Jul 27
Smallant is an anomally. He isnt just playing. I don't know anything about playing games, I dont know the meta as what how to edit in 2024. I just know that Nintendo is coming with a new console so preparing to start making content to react when that happens and create momentum for next year is a great idea. Being different is key. Also, if editing and making long videos is too much, start making them short then build up. Depends if you want to post everyday or once a week. I wish to post everyday, but create a long video everyday is really tough.
Weekly group calls
Okay eveeryone from now on the call will be every sunday 7pm CEST time. Event is set as reocurring event in calendar. But this link should also work for every call: For those who prefer call 1v1 message me so we can work out best day and time for you.
New comment Jul 21
1 like • Jul 20
Thank you for the update 👍
I am just fed up
I just opened a new channel i am freaking tired of YouTube not give me that impressions on my channel its a kind hearted request please suggest some tips for getting more impressions on yt But please don't tell optimisation of tags and description they were working but not now
New comment Jul 23
1 like • Jul 20
I saw channel and video. My biggest thing to tell you is create channel brand consistency. You need to focus on making more videos. Youtube needs data from videos to figure out what to do with it. It takes time. Even with modern ideas channel, It took him weeks for youtube to analyze the data and push. Youtube needs more video data to push. If you never upload and wait, youtube can push it later. Sometimes videos hit after upload even if you are new. Like I said, Youtube needs data. More videos = more data. 1) Focus on channel brand constancy 2) Upload more. Some news that you might not might not like but I think is crucial to listen is that the type of video you made I've seen already. Theres so many help/advice/etc out there. For a video to pop off hard is to be "different". Reason why modern ideas from my opinion is so successful is because he has brand consistency, editing style is different from everyone Ive seen before, and gives me advice on life which in combination with different style + consistency, Give me a reason to want to subscribe or watch more. I wish I could talk and explain it better with example, but I hope this helps.
What Game should I play
what game (in your opinion) is the best for youtube growth?
4 members have voted
New comment Jul 10
1 like • Jul 9
What ever is trending. If you see a game pop off in reddit subreddit or anywhere, You should try to make content of it and stick it out. Look at Minecraft when it got popular years ago, Fortnite when it came out, and Amongus when it pop off. It helped a lot of people grow. It can happen again. Streaming can help too. I 100% believe Nintendo people will do well since we will be getting news of New console this year and release + new games next year. GTA is coming soon too, so there is that. There are alot of people making content of every game, but people want a type of personality that is real, but there is also people that are very very fake in personality, but this caters to those who dont realize whats happening. Im reading too much into it, but do what you want to do. Just remember not to get bunt out from playing, Having fun playing and creating is very important. I used to do minecraft, but I will never see myself doing anything minecraft related since I got sick of it. I want to stream single player games in the future, so yea, do and play games that you like. For your original question, I see content from all of those, fortnite is the only one that is overplayed and done to death, only top creators and maybe if you have a certain spin to creating content you can grow. Ive seen people use Minecraft and do commentary stuff but not necessarily playing the game normally. That can work. You just have to be different and take a different spin on it. See what new games are coming and see if you like it. Remember, people who subscribe and follow you aren't because your playing a certain game, Its because its YOU playing the game. Just be yourself but a slightly more talkative person, especially if you stream.
Title Help
I'm making a YouTube video. The main idea of the video is I can't use any devices or electronics for 30 days, and I do something new, look at breathtaking sites, new experiences every single day. My video is going to be fun. Fall into the entertainment niche and I generally think I may have created one of the most perfect videos I'll ever make. But the problem is, my title is boring. "I fixed my attention span in 30 days." Can I get other suggestions please? My title is about that, but I need it to sound fun, and strike curiosity, and I don't know how to turn it into that.I'm making a YouTube video. The main idea of the video is I can't use any devices or electronics for 30 days, and I do something new, look at breathtaking sites, new experiences every single day. My video is going to be fun. Fall into the entertainment niche and I generally think I may have created one of the most perfect videos I'll ever make. But the problem is, my title is boring. "I fixed my attention span in 30 days." Can I get other suggestions please? My title is about that, but I need it to sound fun, and strike curiosity, and I don't know how to turn it into that.
New comment Jul 8
0 likes • Jul 6
I can't tell but you might be young. I didn't read Yan S comment because I want to try to give a different perspective so we have different responses and I dont get too much influence. So, If i were to see a video in recommendations, I think a good title if it works well for you is this "What Happens When A Gen Z stops electronics for 30 days." Its way too long, but maybe using "gen z" is a good idea. I know lots of people who are gen x, y, etc who see gen z people who are always on phones, etc.. So putting the word "gen z" lets people know "hmm, someone did this, and for 30 days??!" The thumbnail needs to be relatable as well. Like, it can be anything, Like maybe phone with tiktok and you saying no with the hand gesture pushing it away. It can be anything, but i think having something that surprise people who arent gen z is smart to do. Its something people dont expect. Big youtubers change title and thumbnails alot, dont worry that it take time to think about it. Some other titles im thinking on the spot. "I'm Gen Z, No more Electronics." Going back reading your post, I see a few things. 30 days, no electronics, which also means no social media to an extent, You fixing attention span, etc.. I think alot of people watching would like to see how you grew, what you did, how you reacted to doing that. final results, did you go back to electronics, did you use it less.. I just read Yas S comment and hes right about using a style like that. Im trying to come up with a title that starts with "I' but its a little hard. I HIGHLY recommend you have a contrast with thumbnail and title. You should only put 30 days in thumbnail or title, but not both. For example 30days, or a calendar, with you having tiktok on your phone looking drained in the face in the thumbnail, and with the title " I am Gen Z. I stopped social media" Sorry if im using the word gen z a lot, but I cant think of another term that gets people to click. "I stopped online life for 30 days..." "My Generation is Addicted.. I finally stopped.." (I really like "my generation", it sounds good)
0 likes • Jul 8
@Nalani F Yes. Second. People are mainly on phones.
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San Chan
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