BE THE BEST (Start here!)
Hey bro, nice one for joining. Now that you are here, you are going to win. Go and watch the welcome videos rn man. And then, if you are willing to put the hard work in to improve yourself, and improve your life, and you want to follow my exact self improvement advice, then you can follow the BE THE BEST Protocol. The rest of this post won't make sense until you watch the protocol. Alright, this is the big accountability post for the BE THE BEST PROTOCOL. You can use this post to find other brothers on the protocol, and to stay accountable. You should leave a comment here when you make the commitment to start the protocol, and when you have made your habit tracker, schedule and goals. I'm genuinely so excited to see where this protocol bring you brother. Go comment on this post right now, introducing yourself and telling us that you are going to start the protocol.