My Homework Video: Goal setting and Purpose
Hi I'm Robin and I'd love to get some feedback. 1. What feelings came up? --> It felt okay, but I was constantly worried how I look, I'm very insecure with my looks. I thought my voice is probably boring and felt insecure about it. I couldN#t do it free-flowing so had to have notes because I get too nervous and forget what I want to say. 2. What thoughts or stories came up? --> What came up was like "okay people will see this and will think it's cringe and then ALSO I'll not keep pushing through and it'll be EVEN MORE cringe and awkward and embarrassing because here I am, going public with what I want to do but never went through with it." 3. Write a letter of encouragement... Ok also awkward but here I go: "well done, Robin. You just posted it and despite feeling awkward and cringey at first, you just tried it and reflected on how it felt. Feeling like it's awkward for yourself you also realize that: you don't even judge other people who do this, and even if people judge you, it never made a difference to your life. And also everyone started small. You can't start big, that wouldn't make sense. but you HAVE to START and you did it! So it's okay. you know you'll try to get better and better at it anyways, and this video flowed actually pretty well!"