Big Story: My First $1 Million Quote...
Hey, there! I hope you are having a great day and great week. We have some exciting new things to share, but first a story... 7 years ago I got to work with my Dad. He has owned his own construction company for 18 years. The man is a true inspiration. I hope to be a father just like him one day... During my time with Dad's company (before CloudPano exploded and is now at 73,000 users), he showed me the importance of pricing by estimating cost and margin of projects. From his expertise, he could estimate time (labor), equipment and materials on large commercial projects. I got to see first hand what it was like to quote big money deals. Then it happened. I sent out a simple quote (less than 1 page) for $1,000,050. Yes over $1 million for 1 project. Guess what? We got the contract. The ability to clearly define pricing, margin and cost is what helps large service providers scale. In the virtual tour space, for commercial projects this pricing methodology is paramount. In other words, you can't quote commercial and residential projects the same. For example, I recently closed a $7,000 project for CloudPano and a $65,000 project for CloudPano. They were not houses...I am sure you could have guessed that already! Today I am unlocking pricing power for you and your team. I call it the "Commercial Virtual Tour Pricing Calculator" and I think it's an amazing tool. With this tool you will be able to do the following... - Understand your cost quickly - See your margain instantly - Empower your sales team to quote high ticket prices in real time - Catch hidden cost before you close the project - Adjust your scope and margin to make every project worth it and clear - Give clear justification for any price or scope change for your large projects - Outsource and run your large projects 100% remotely - Win more big deals and look like a professional To gain access to this tool, watch the video - CLICK HERE