Hey! I’m closing down the TapTapKaboom Skool group. It wasn’t as easy and simple as I had hoped. With the available energy this gives me, I’m hoping to create more value again. I’ll reopen it the timing is right. Big loves ❤️ Rich from TapTapKaboom
You got courage? - Creative living = having the courage to bring forth the treasures hidden within you. - You have buried treasures within you, waiting to be discovered. - Go on an adventure of self-discovery. Go find your treasures. - Stop mundane living. Start enchanted living.
I read about creativity a lot. I wanted to share a chapter a day (or a short bit of a book I’m reading), and my further thoughts on it. - A definition for creativity: the relationship between a human being and the mysteries of inspiration. - Is the pursuit of creative endeavours a devotional practice/act of love. - Are you brave? It leads to realising your full potential. - There are hidden treasures inside you. You need courage to bring them forth. - Living a creative life is a way to fight back. Drop your thoughts below.
One of the 3 core parts of creativity is doing stuff. If you don’t take your creative thoughts into the world and do them (try them, test them, put them into practice), what you’re doing is just thinking creatively. Or dreaming. Do you have any frameworks, systems, or methods, for getting stuff done?