Hi you, I spent quite a bit in the studio the last evenings, and arranged my new track, no name yet🤣. Would you like to give some feedback? https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4htqu6t8a5kd5qkslz3e2/Downbeat_110bpm_10_VierringSound_v12_1_1-Kopie.mp3?rlkey=4ad6os2mfsstd64jzvemij9jz&st=kc9wsnuo&dl=0 No dedicated mixing done yet, lots of things are happening in the mids, I know. And low ends not professionally mixed yet. But I hope you get the idea. Any additional ideas? Would appreciate it a lot. 😀🎹 Thanks in advance... Musical regards, reinfriedB Like 0 0 comments