Description of Problem: it only takes one or two sour apples to ruin the vibes in a community. It happens from time to time (especially in high ticket where people are investing a fair amount) that a student gets upset and decides to start spamming the group with upsetting posts and content. This often has a ripple effect of diminishing peoples' confidence in themselves and their ability to succeed. As a platform that prides itself on community collaboration, I'm sure most everyone can agree that a moderation suite is critical in maintaining integrity. Feature: the specific request would be for the ability to toggle-on a "posts must be approved by a moderator" feature that allows the moderators or admins to preview posts, and then choose to approve or deny them. If the post is denied, the moderator or admin would have the ability to send private feedback to the user about the reason behind the rejection of the post. Business impact: we're about to migrate roughly 3,000 high ticket clients into Skool. The lack of more robust moderation tools means we need to staff extra customer support resources to lurk on the community page, ready to remove any "violating" posts. Puppy gif included below for greater visibility!