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Owned by Patti

Soul Renewal

Public • 1 • Free

The group for women in menopause to hit the reset button, upgrade, and thrive in the next, BETTER, phase of our lives. The best is yet to come!


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3 contributions to Soul Renewal
One Woman Strong
As of this writing, I am a community of one. Sounds ridiculous? Maybe. But I’m on a mission. I’ve got to start somewhere if I want this mission to go anywhere. I have a mission to reach women all over the world that are going through menopause right now. I have a mission to build a space where we can talk about our experiences without having to explain ourselves to others. Even if we all have our own individual experiences, we all kinda get it.. Because the truth is, we are going through so many rapid changes that we ourselves sometimes need time to process what’s going on. And we can’t do this alone. Nor do we have to. Why women in menopause? Because it’s not really just about menopause as we know it. . There’s a broader experience during this time in our lives. And it doesn’t help that we are ALSO going through the physical symptoms while life happens. These barely scratch the surface but… - There’s the grown up children. The adjustment from mom to being an as-needed lifeline. - There’s the end or beginning of relationships in any shape or form. - There’s the career that you have built but now you are wondering what’s next for you. You ask yourself now more than ever, what happens next? Maybe you checked one or all of the above. The truth is, I did go through all three. And then some. What I know is, it can’t just be me! I know there’s more of us out there going through the same thing. In fact, if you are reading this now, you probably watched my webinar already and are at least curious about what The Menopause Advantage is. For that, THANK YOU! So here I am. One Woman Strong. With the dream of one day being with 1 million other women strong empowering the following generations of women after us. I’ll talk more about the mission later. For now, let’s just get this started. I look forward to meeting you all and growing this community with you! Your friend and fellow Matriarch, Patti
I need your opinion!
I would like to create more opportunities for us to meet and have quick check-ins throughout the day in any time zone. Even if we're having coffee in Chicago, we can still hold space for someone else in another part of the world just getting home from a long day at work. Let's see what works best for us! Let's vote! If it were up to me, I'd say ALL.
Cast your vote
Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Wherever you are in the world, would like to say thank you for showing up here and, most importantly, showing up for yourself. If you are reading this, I can tell that I am finally not alone in what I am thinking and feeling. See, I have felt alone for a while. If you watched my first webinar, you may remember me mentioning that part of my life when I felt that abrupt and drastic change once I hit menopause. I didn't even know I was there until I sat down and thought about it after I was in an accident. (Long, totally different story that I MAY share later. Lol) Being a mental health professional for over ten years, I was aware of all the symptoms. I was depressed, extremely anxious, and had tempestuous mood swings. The weirdest part was, I found myself all of a sudden looking backwards and remembering things from childhood and everything that happened before the accident. I felt somewhat more vulnerable than usual and it was beginning to throw me off. I tried everything I knew that helped my own clients. Some worked, some not so much. But throughout all that I discovered some things that I never thought would be more valuable than the science itself. I leaned into it and decided to work on my relationship with this part of me. This is perhaps the MOST IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP we, as women, will ever have to maintain. It is the ultimate form of SELF-CARE! Long story short, this is why I decided to establish a community of women that are experiencing this part of menopause. We can learn all the reasons why we are experiencing such discomfort based on science. The truth is, no one will ever know what really happens to us mentally and emotionally because the experience is so personal that even science cannot explain it. So what better way to navigate this than to discuss it amongst ourselves and help each other strategize or, at the very least, be in a community that JUST GETS IT. I could go on and on...but that's the idea. It can't just be me. I want to hear from you! This is only the beginning of this conversation.
1-3 of 3
Patti Lorenzo
5points to level up
I have a mission to help women redefine life after menopause and discover what fuels their passion in the next phase of their lives.

Active 7d ago
Joined Aug 12, 2024
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