Make sure that you master A high income skill That you can pass down to your kids Mines is high ticket sales And buying stocks (But none of my kids want to get into sales ) So I was just explaining the phlebotomy license To my youngest son So my son could draw blood for $22 a hour But I have to get another license So my daughter could learn a skill So I’ll get me a realtors license (Bro going to school and learning game wasnt hard for me because I had been through a mentorship in this fraternity) and I’m paying for Her to take some hair braiding seminar(s) etc But I’m going to tell you something that I’m noticing Bro we have to have money because these little Motherf______ may not listen to us and our plan Like we didn’t listen to our parents plan for us. You’ll still need to be able to have money to help them Because they may f___ your families game But atleast try to master something to pass down But also have money because life ain’t perfect And you’ll end up having to help they a__ out anyway Step your game up parents We players but we are parents Ya dig And if you’re going to hang out with us (and you got kids) you got to do a good job ya dig #parenting I was feeling that shit this morning after talking with my kids yesterday and it hit me, even if you have the keys to their success, they still may want to live their own life. Like I did And I had to learn it all over again myself. (When my mom had some of the game figured out) but I didn’t except it from her. I would have been a barber ya dig. And I wanted to be a Mack. Not thinking like I am today, that the two could be did together. Without the struggle of the streets. go get a Bartenders license $500 (takes 2wks) Phlebotomy license $1,000 (takes 5 wks) CDL license $? (?) Barbers license $? (I think 1 yr) Nursing degree $12,000 (1 yr LPN) Car dealers license $2K down & $500 month Realtors license $500 (1wk) Mortgage broker $110 (1wk) Master salesman $? (A career to master) but can learn fast at a job like a car lot or selling solar