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The Symbiosis Society

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4 contributions to The Symbiosis Society
Let’s explore native plant species in your region
Since there’re people from different parts of the world, I thought it’d be interesting to share common plant species of each region. I am from Ukraine so a lot of species I see here are very very new for me, so I was wondering if my species would be the same for most of you guys Let’s pretend I just left home and went to the field, there’re native species that I would definitely see in the broad field under sun: 1. a lot of Poaceae, really a lot of them! (for example Timothy (Phleum pratense) on the first photo) 2. different Clover (Trifolium) species (I attached photos of Trifolium medium and T. repens) 3. different Buttercup (Ranunculus) species (acris, repens are most common; no photos, unfortunately) 4. Cinquefoils (Potentilla reptans, Potentilla erecta are most common (no photos again)) 5. Bellflowers (photos of Campanula persicifolia and C. glomerata) 6. Daisy fleabane (Erigeron strigosus) 7. Heal-all (Prunella vulgaris) 8. Bigflower vetch (Vicia grandiflora), no photos, but this one is very cute in my opinion Sooo, maybe you’d also share something in comments🙂 and if this’s fine, maybe we can make posts about fungi/bird species in the future? Or what about trees?
New comment Aug 4
Let’s explore native plant species in your region
3 likes • Jul 31
@Mahdi Eskandari wow, so beautiful😍 Are these species common in your area? Almost all Lilia and Iris species in Ukraine need protection and conservation, it’s difficult to find them, you must know spots where they usually grow. I’ve seen Lilium martagon twice in my life and one of Iris species only once
1 like • Aug 3
@Mahdi Eskandari so interesting, I haven’t seen similar tulip species ever
Birding Photography
Show me your bird photos. Here is some lorikeets I took a little while ago.
New comment Jul 13
Birding Photography
1 like • Jul 12
Sorry for such poor quality of photos, plants are much calmer objects comparing to birds🥲 So there are: 1. Black redstart 2. White stork 3. Great spotted woodpecker 4. Fieldfare 5. Song thrush is singing 6. Purple heron 7. Common buzzard 8. Western marsh harrier 9. European goldfinch 10. Eurasian tree sparrow
Competition!✨ Post your last plant photo & comment 1 ID feature of someone elses!
Last plant photo as a comment, no cheating! Then comment under someone elses photo 1 ID feature! 😁
Complete action
New comment Jul 30
Competition!✨ Post your last plant photo & comment 1 ID feature of someone elses!
2 likes • Jul 11
This is Trifolium medium (I hope it’s really medium, usually it’s obvious for me by leaves and stipules, but there’re just too many Trifolium species so I never can be sure)
FEEDBACK & Final days of June Competition! 🏆
Hello beautiful people, happy Friday & weekend. How was your week? Anything exciting to share? I would absolutely love some feedback on the community. What do you like and not like. What do you wish there was? What do you think would make people get involved more? AND we are in the final days of the competition, BUT there is still time to win some insane prizes! From $2000 prints, to ID books & database access, I'm giving away heaps. You can earn points by posting, commenting and replying to other people! 🎉
New comment Jun 30
FEEDBACK & Final days of June Competition! 🏆
3 likes • Jun 28
Hello! So far I’ve seen people mostly from Australia here in discussions, so I was wondering how many people in this community are not living in Australia. I personally live in Europe (in Ukraine) so most species I see here are exotic and fascinating for me!😍 I think it would be interesting to make kinda “common flora/fauna in my living country exchanges” sometimes
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biology student interested in biodiversity

Active 15d ago
Joined Jun 15, 2024
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