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Online Business Pros

Public • 22 • Free

Sean Mize

Private • 399 • Free

4 contributions to Online Business Pros
Great step by step with specific features and steps covered
#1.Welcome To The Builderall Chatbot Thank you- I really like this bite sized approach with a focus on specific features and functionality. This makes it easy to watch, pause, complete the steps on my own and follow along easily. Much appreciated approach- instead of long videos that you have to wade through unclear of what you're going to be shown. Great stuff @Wassili Birbilis !
New comment Sep '22
Introduction Chatbot Ninja
Just thought I would introduce Myself, and say thank you to Wassili, I have been working on Chatbots a little while now and I have learned a lot from the Man, Chatbot King and I am always willing to learn more!
New comment Oct '22
1 like • Sep '22
Hello Ian
Agency Pricing Strategy
I have a lot of students that are always asking me, what price should I offer them for my chatbot services? When it comes to pricing your services, the big thing for people to know is the problem they’re going to solve. If they’re going to charge someone $1,000 for something that’s going to be a $500 win to them, you won’t have a long-term relationship with them. 1. How much do you want to make this year? I always tell people — from a greedy standpoint — as an agency, you should work backward. Say you want to make $100,000 this year, that’s $8,334 a month. That means you’ll need to have 12 clients pay about $695 per month. That price point comes down to two things: your expertise and ability. If you’re charging over $1,000 per month for Chat Marketing services, you’re in the premium tier. People will expect a premium solution — make sure you can deliver on it. 2. Don’t be afraid of smaller monthly retainers. When you’re picking up a client, look at their total lifetime value. Say you get a client for $300 bucks a month for 5 years, that’s $18,000. That’s more revenue than if you charged $2,000 for monthly service and only kept them for six. 3. Set up a multi-month agreement. Even if you’re brand new, you can still get clients on retainer. Be upfront with them. Tell your client you’re building a digital agency, explain what you’re focusing on — for example, Facebook Messenger ads or video marketing — and tell them the tools you’re working with. If you’re trying to get your first client, instead of charging $1,000 per month, charge $300. You’ll be able to learn on their dime, and the client will get good value and results. Then after six months, look back at the relationship and see if you want to move forward. Highlight how much they spend with you, how much revenue you got them, as well as audience growth, a database of warm customers, email, texts, etc. At the end of the day, pricing your services comes down to who you are, what you can deliver, and how long you want a client.
New comment Oct '22
3 likes • Sep '22
Agency "price point comes down to two things: your expertise and ability". Pure wisdom there.
Replay beginners workshop 1st September
Good morning @everyone, thank you for attending the beginners workshop. Replay is available now. Watch it here. Have a great day😀
New comment Sep '22
2 likes • Sep '22
Thanks for the replay
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Michelle Williams
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Active 290d ago
Joined Sep 13, 2022
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