Bio: Truther, freedom fighter, faithful, loyal to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All glory goes to God. Living breathing flesh and blood man, God's son.
Bio: I’m here for many reasons but the most important is to be FREE. To gain knowledge & understanding to help myself & my family on the Narrow Path ❤️
Bio: Independent Self Motivated Discipline Business Entrepreneur.
Profession: Building Engineer Contractor
Health and Wellness Fitness Workout Trainer.
Bio: גָבִישׁ Minister in LionsDenMinistry; I don't attorn, nor give legal advice; Ephesians 2:8-9, Matthew 5:25-26; In Yeshua Name!
Bio: Hi, I’m Heather- family farmer, wife &mother instinctually led to keep my kids free beings born before learning the ways of law. Here to implement