Followers 4
Marie Christensen
• Active 8h ago
Bio: As a mom of 3 boys and a wife. I want to make ends meet I am sick of the hustle and bustle with no enjoyment I want to enjoy life and enjoy my kids.
Russell Krakow
Cape Coral, Florida
• Active 23h ago
Bio: I’m really excited to start working with this community and learn how to grow a you tube automation platform and be successful
Joe Caligiuri
Boston • ISTP
• Active 234d ago
Bio: Father, Husband, and Business owner trying to stay current and cool 😎. The fastest way to success is slowly.
Helen Gordon
Durham, NC US • ENTP
• Active 271d ago
Bio: Registered nurse, midwife & university professor, on the PERFECT path to a "laptop lifestyle” for travel and retirement.
1-4 of 4
Megan Kortemeier
manifesting a life I don't need a vacation from! <3

Active 171d ago
Joined Nov 1, 2023
North Dakota
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