Bio: BlessingFAM im Rossi and im excited onthe direction im being led soaking up wisdom, learning from the ground level im grateful to help and be helped😄
Bio: Greetings, I'm a Christian woman seeking to bring glory to God through my wellness and helping others to cultivate their optimal wellness--to thrive!
Bio: Copywriter: Also - My name is Bijan, I build and manage skool groups of all sizes
I also do: Newsletter writing 📝 and other high value copywriting
Bio: With 30+ yrs of experience on both sides of the music & entertainment industry, Christian & Secular, Darrick Hawkins is a flexible producing machine.
Bio: TifinyCarol
speaker, aspiring author, Spelman graduate, apologetics certificates from RZIM & Go Strategic International. Over 20 years of ministry.
Bio: Dr. Mark McKnight received his Doctoral Degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Master's from F.S.U., and Bachelor’s from U.N.F..