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10 contributions to Synthesizer School
Synthesizer Accelerator
ACCESS INSTRUCTIONS: To everyone who has access, you can find the Rapid Progress Protocol and Synthesizer Accelerator here --- ORIGINAL POST: Feel like you're not making progress in monetization/audience-growth as quickly as you'd like to? Enter: Synthesizer Accelerator (1 90min GROUP coaching call with me. You ask me whatever you want, I help you solve your problems and help you progress. It's group coaching, so you'll be able to hear everyone else's questions. Ask whatever you want... monetization, audience growth, synthesizing etc.) Price: $3 Free bonuses: 1. Diary of a Synthesizer (1 Loom video sharing what I've been working on, and some income generating opps I see) 2. Rapid Progress Protocol (Video of me explaining my best progress-making framework, which helped me make $1,000,000+) Why I'm making this: It feels like I've lost connection with Synthesizer School's most engaged members. This is a way for me to directly help the most engaged members of this community through a Zoom call where I can answer your questions. And a Loom video to share what I've been up to. This will be an experiment, please don't expect it to continue forever, or be frustrated if I only do one call. Timing: - This offer will be available for 48 hours - The first group call will be on the 22nd of December, to define your strategy for the new year. - The first Diary of a Synthesizer will be in the early new year, to share my strategy for the new year - The Rapid Progress Protocol will be available upon purchase (when we manually grant you access) How to join (VIDEO TUTORIAL): 1. Leave the Synthesizer School community (click settings, leave group) 2. When you rejoin, you'll see there's a $3/month option 3. Pay that 4. We'll manually grant you access to Synthesizer Accelerator within 24 hours 5. Cancel anytime in Skool settings
New comment Jun 5
Synthesizer Accelerator
3 likes โ€ข Dec '23
Can't wait! Appreciate you doing this for us @Andrew Kirby
$165,000 in 10 days (without millions of subscribers)
Part 1: The Riches Are In The Niches is TERRIBLE ADVICE Homeless people in San Francisco is definitely a niche. But unless you're a fentanyl dealer, good luck getting rich with that niche. Lesson: If you want to be rich, pick the right niche. Part 2: Which niche? The person we helped make $165,000 in 10 days is Steve Huynh. He's an engineer at Amazon passionate about systems thinking, productivity, and helping knowledge workers. He could've chosen multiple niches: 1. Help teenagers to get their first job 2. Help graduated engineers to get their first job in tech 3. Help working engineers to get promoted Which is best? 1 is broad, poor, and hard to work with 2 is niche, poor, and hard to work with 3 is niche, rich, and easy to work with So he created a channel to help engineers get promotions. Step 3: How we helped him monetize He made a simple sales page. Decided on a $4k price point, with an $8k premium version. Did an easy launch. Nothing too complex. The result? 33 sales, and $165,000 in revenue. How so much with such a simple launch and a smallish audience? The audience had money, and Steve had value to provide them. Lesson: Sell to the rich. They pay better.
New comment Jan 30
$165,000 in 10 days (without millions of subscribers)
3 likes โ€ข Dec '23
Love this case study! Have been watching Steve's videos since last year and impressed by how he's achieved this level of success
YT Video #5 | Accountability
Feeling quite motivated to continue building on the momentum I've built making weekly videos over the last month. I'm always trying to make each video at least 1% better than the last, so appreciate any and all feedback!
New comment Jul '23
YT Video #5 | Accountability
2 likes โ€ข Jul '23
@Mabel U Noted! Appreciate the feedback
YT Video #4 | Accountability
Really enjoying the process of learning and improving with each video. Appreciate any and all feedback - trying to get at least 1% better with each one!
New comment Jun '23
YT Video #4 | Accountability
Only My 2nd Youtube Video: Empowering!
Do you like it or not?
New comment Jun '23
1 like โ€ข Jun '23
Awesome man, keep it coming!
1-10 of 10
Matt Huang
33points to level up
Management Consultant, ex-Investment Banker, and Youtuber

Active 1d ago
Joined Dec 27, 2023
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