What is the one feeling no human wants to feel yet must during their Life Journey.....GRIEF!!! Grief comes in many forms but the main 3 are: 1) Loss of a Loved One 2) Loss of a Job 3) Loss of a relationship. No one in this human experience will escape this avoided feeling. We become many things and adapt personas, different personalities and beliefs after the very first time we've felt some sort of Grief. Grief shows us we are vulnerable creators. This is why we avoid Grief at all cost. Grief has it's own process that we must go through. It doesn't matter when or how old we are, we will face this unwanted emotion at some point in our Life's Journey. How we deal with it or learn how to manage it, is a key component to our emotional success. Unfortunately there can be negative affects that will arise if we DO NOT dealing with this unwanted feeling. Some of these negative results are horrible and will not only affect us, but also loved ones & others regardless to our awareness of it. Yes Grief is painful and scary at times, yet it can be a valuable lesson to who we truly are. It shows us on a deeper level our true authentic self, who we are and what we want or need. Through Grief we learn the world around us is limited as well as limitless; we are alone yet there is a oneness about all things; and so much more. Come back and tune in to when I go into depth of my own experiences with each one of these forms, the negative results and trifectas of Grief. If you want assistance with facing this or any other things in your life, reach out to me and together we can overcome all obstacle in your life; big or small; light or dark. Namaste Martha Ok Spiritual folks, here is my topic for the homework. Please tell me your thoughts, feelings or any advice you would like to share. Thank you in advance!!! :-)