Unlock 80% Of Your Time With This ClickUp Template
This is the whole structure that allowed me to scale to 150 active clients. I've just translated to English (my agency is in Brazil), added the SOPs for DR and I want to share with you guys. Here are the links to duplicate directly into your ClickUp account: Marketing: https://app.clickup.com/template/project/t-90070273513/71549d971135dd6 Management: https://app.clickup.com/template/project/t-90070273512/580c41f136b9c6c CRM & ERP: https://app.clickup.com/template/project/t-90070273523/8fe6530013391f2 They are super full with all the processes we follow inside our agency bc we offer a lot of services. Some of them you won't need, so customize as you'd like. Any questions let me know too, I'm glad to help