Bio: My whole life was about music. Until I fell into a dark hole of depression. I had to heal myself and fell in love with The Journey in the process.
Bio: In Ottawa Canada online Soul to Soul Counselling specializing in Family Constellations. Lasting transformation lies beyond traditional talk therapy.
Bio: I completed the practitioner program in March and I’m at the beginning of my study cases. Is it the right time to join here? Or latter?I can benefit
Bio: Borne in 1962, living in Kiel, Germany
Gardener, Qigong teacher, artist and attending the JPP. Loving nature, children and life.
Keen on learning!
Bio: Journey Practitioner, teacher, artist, sound healer, lover of life fun and adventure. A spark that can ignite a flame. Truth seeker and snort laughter
Bio: My name is Daantje Linschoten. I'm a Journey practitioner since 2004. I'm also a Naturopath, Reflexologist, Quantum Touch practitioner + Yoga teacher.
Bio: Journey, BLAST, BEST, Energy Codes, Coaching, Hypnosis/NLP, Movement/Posture. Now ready to launch and interested in practical support & community.
Bio: Immersed since 2003. Recommended Practitioner, Coach and Presenter. 35 years Birth Professional/Feminine Trauma/DV/Cult Recovery. Being Authentic Self
Bio: I am from Tokyo, Japan. I became a Journey practitioner in 2011. I am also a teacher of Art of Feminine Presence and do other healing modalities, too.
Bio: Passionate about The Journey since 2000. Accreditation completed 2004/5. Part-time JP now full-time Recommended Accredited JP 2018 till the present.