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InvestCEO with Kyle Henris

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11 contributions to InvestCEO with Kyle Henris
Apex Certificate
I just want to thank god, my parents, friends, and family who always believed me, but most of all I really want to thank the Fed. Without your perfectly timed interest cuts, none of this would be possible!!! 😂😂😂
New comment 4h ago
Apex Certificate
2 likes • 17h
Obviously I'm jesting here (read my last post for context) but I truly am thankful for all of you, especially Kyle. The interest rate trade was only a shortcut to the inevitable, and with all I've learned from you guys, this will be the first of many. Cheers!
1 like • 17h
Thank you @Emmanuel Effiong !
Passed my EA due to a lucky fluke!
So I had to run an errand real quick, so I set a limit trade before I left just in case price dropped into a demand zone $25 down. Well it did (just barely, as you can see), and for some reason, my take profit didn't activate or it happened so fast I'm not sure, but it ended up being about a $3,000 trade that put me at $53,600. The force was with me today lol
New comment 14h ago
Passed my EA due to a lucky fluke!
1 like • 22h
Just learned it was because of the Fed Interest Rate. I had no idea. That's something I'll defintely need to be paying attention to in the future. And @Dylan Coombs I immediately thought how I was glad it was still an EA because of the consistency rule. Not only am I lucky that it moved up instead of down, but I zoomed in and saw that I caught it perfectly, one tick less and I miss it entirely. What can I say, sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.
2 likes • 18h
@Nathan LeBaron I immediately recognized this would've been a problem with a PA account, but thankfully that wasn't the case. It's obviously not something I did on purpose, but thanks for looking out. I am currently in the process of reading through the PA rules as we speak, actually.
Supply zone question
I've been faced with this dilemma many times. Strictly following the rules, I would be using the first green candlestick (denoted in pink) as my supply zone, but in my view, the red candlestick following it is the better option (in red). Am I correct, or is there a reason I should use a green candlestick every time when creating supply zones and red when creating demand zones? Also an unrelated question: With Apex I can trade Monday at 9:30am (Eastern) until Friday at 4pm all hours of the day aside from 4-5pm, correct? Is there a reason to avoid trading at certain times? Obviously the market appears more lively during the NY hours, especially at 9:30-10:30am, but I'm just curious if there something I'm overlooking as to why I shouldn't trade essentially whenever I want during that timeframe. Thanks for the help, you guys!
New comment 22h ago
Supply zone question
1 like • 1d
@Phil Molyneux I had been using Jedi because I wasn't confident with Superman, but on Monday it just sort of clicked. Unfortunately, I lost two trades with it yesterday, but it was just bad luck. My set up was correct (at least I'm 95% sure it was anyways lol). I've watched the latter video, but I'll check out the former with Coach Aramis. Thanks for the link!
1 like • 1d
@Phil Molyneux This reminds me of a question I had for Kyle but haven't heard back (no worries, I can't imagine how busy the guy is); I'm wondering if you might know: during the class the criteria for Superman entry included a candle with more bottom wick than body followed by an engulfing candle. However, during the live training from 4-13-24, the criteria appears to just be a candle whose body is higher (for long positions) than a previous fractal. Am I misreading this or is it just a matter of preference?
Correct execution?
Hey guys and gals, I did my Superman entry incorrectly a few hours ago. I was stopped out, but thankfully it was early enough that I still played a Jedi entry and made $500. I'm fairly certain I see my mistake, and here I've replayed it with what I should have done. I just want to make sure it's correct so I don't continue bad habits! Green is my 1 hour Demand zone, blue is my Superman zone. If I'd have played it correctly, it would have been a winning trade in my estimation.
New comment 19h ago
Correct execution?
0 likes • 2d
@Tim Morton Disregard the top supply zone (it was the Superman entry I messed up) and see the Jedi entry... it was a nerve-racking day to say the least 😅🤣
0 likes • 1d
@Nathan LeBaron Yes, I took the second. Walk me through the 1st one. Where are you getting your Superman block from?
EA week 1
I purchased my first Evaluation Account last Friday after a good 3 weeks of practicing. I began trading on Monday, but I wasn't finding good opportunities for Jedi/Superman entries on MES (I prefer staying on MES because it's more precise and I dislike moving back and forth). This continued into Tuesday. Wednesday I followed some advice I saw on here to stay away due to the inflation numbers being published (I ended up winning a good trade on my sim account but what do you do?). Thursday I was getting antsy and entered into a trade I wasn't very confident about. I only took a quarter of the risk ($125) and ended up stopping out. Today I entered a long Superman trade for $500 (used half of my usual risk because I was skiddish), and then a short Jedi using demand from 10 days ago. On the latter, I again wasn't confident with the demand being so old, so I moved my Stop Loss up and took a $300 profit (marked with white line segment). I would've stopped out if I hadn't done this. Is it unadviseable to take trades using such old supply/demand? All in all, I'm up to $50,573 after my first week. I feel pretty good about it. It certainly could have been better, and it could have been worse. Now that I've gotten my feet wet, I hope to trade with more conviction. I imagine being too cautious is better than the alternative, however. A question I do have is, if I'm having trouble finding opportunities on MES, should I look at different markets? Do the entry models work the same or do they need tweaked? What are the pros/cons of your favorite market?
New comment 5d ago
EA week 1
1 like • 6d
@Andrew Penn So this demand was still fresh, even though it was from the 3rd? Interesting. So it was just bad luck that the trade would have stopped out had I not pulled the plug early?
3 likes • 5d
@Liam McCusker @Mark Clarno mentioned the commission rates. It's something I had yet to consider, but I will be switching to ES now to save some money. You're right, it all adds up.
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