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Facilitator Club

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4 contributions to Facilitator Club
Follow up on the first workshop ever made !
So- thank you all for the feedback on my previous post regarding ideas for my first workshop! 🙏🏻 so much appreciation from this ! Well, tonight- I had my first one ever made, since graduating from my innovation and entrepreneurship education - and wow- what an experience, with so much to learn from ❤️ My heart is bubbling of joy and pride ! I used the framework- with minor alterations from the workshop let’s playbook, such as the data collection was initiated 14 days prior the workshop- and I joined some Of the tasks to one, due to time 🙈 But- all in all, such a great experience- loads of leaning going forward- and a lot of good input/feedback from the group - and resulted in 2 very valuable and critical working commitments! So thank you all for contributing and helping me to getting the strength and confidence to do so- and not being a complete nervous wreck, but noticing my improvement issues during the workshop- but improvising and pulling through ! ❤️❤️ This community is just absolutely amazing and awesome- and I already shared and praised it to loads of other innovative kindred spirits ❤️❤️ Wishes of a great evening and keep up the awesomeness- to improve the world, one step at a time 😎🥳🙏🏻🥰
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
@Dan Roberts I really do hope so too- at least for now, I have “blood on my teeth” - a super Danish saying, that really does not translate well- but basically means that I am fully motivated 😍😅 and super excited for this learning curve and the next adventure 😍 thank you aswell for your comment ❤️
0 likes • Nov '23
@Ashley Aguirre, PCC exactly! 🙏🏻 so so difficult to overcome, but when it happens, like this time, due to no other way of pulling through - it acually felt so so awesome to have been so dissatisfied prior, pulling through and then feeling like the imperfections did not affect the outcome and positive response in the negative and extreme way, that my perfect brain had set as the scenario 😂🙈 It went really okay, maybe even because of this also, it was not uptight- but down to earth and goofy, just like my personality- wich also is what i saw or read somewhere here that @Aj Smart mentioned, make it fit your personality 😍 so definitely ready to learn once the feedback comes in, what I with minor adjustments can do better, but still keep it true to me, and not perfect and polished- because that is so far from my inner self ❤️❤️
First workshopper task 🥳
Hi everyone ❤️ So amazed to be part of this 🫶🏽 In November, I am hosting my first - of many, hopefully, workshop with my colleagues- trying to improve the happiness and positivity- and also of course the productivity in my team 🤩 I have been thinking of using the workshopper playbook’s framework as my playbook for this, just to lean up against something - but I’m missing some kind of icebreaker- so I’m hoping one you you smarties would have the golden idea for this 🤩 Thank you so much in advance 🥳
New comment Oct '23
1 like • Oct '23
@Benedict Odjobo Arh okay, then I think I will have to rethink it, as it is not my first encounter with them 😃 but it sparked an idea for the brainstorming process of creating suggestions for the chosen topics to work with, that could be to assign different roles, for them to give input- “when thinking like a xx” 🤩🥳 In any case, thank you very much for that suggestion 🥳
0 likes • Oct '23
@Holly MacLean thank you 🙏🏻 that’s really also a wonderful idea 🥰 wow- I cannot wait to try it all out ❤️❤️
Connecting Cultures
How important is knowing your audience to you when conducting a workshop? What do you do to prepare yourself when meeting with various people from different backgrounds?
New comment Oct '23
0 likes • Oct '23
Hi @James Preece, if you read the e-book that @Aj Smart provided : the workshoppers playbook, they are acually stating that they improved their preparation time and also efficiency of the workshops conducted, after only having prepared a framework for the workshops, and then having a good toolkit of different exercises ready for a quick change, in case the planned exercises does not prove to be effective, in the active workshop, to be exchanged quickly when conducting the workshops 🤩 Also it gives you a clean canvas- not being biased to lead the workshops according to your ideas and thoughts, when you prepare and look into them 🙏🏻 this way you are more certain to help them, by being the workshopper, being neutral, to come up with their own ideas and opinions on the subject of the workshop 🤩 But personally- I like this approach, but would still like to do at least a minimum of preparation by learning about the audience, to have at least some kind of idea, to help them come up with things, in case they go silent from ideas, and then being able to contribute a little, and then hopefully spark their own idea generating progress 🤩 But maybe that comes with experience- I haven’t had the chance to do any workshops properly yet, only impulsive, not planned ones that turned out that way in the end 😂🙈
📍Where is everyone from?📍
Hello Facilitators👋 I'm really curious about where everyone is from. I'd love to make this a mega post where we can see how diverse the Facilitator Club community is. Who knows, you might find a lot more people in your area than you thought! Once I have lots of answers on this post, I want to make a nice graph!
New comment 7d ago
📍Where is everyone from?📍
1 like • Sep '23
@Jeppe Olander Arj, men hvor er det altså bare fantastisk at kunne være innovativ med sådan en gruppe som her 🤩 der mangler bare SÅ meget fokus på den slags i dk 🙈 Så må vi to jo tage den danske føretrøje og få os med på verdenskortet 😎🤩
1 like • Sep '23
@Jeppe Olander perfekt- så må vi lige tage den tjans og få sat gang i en masse hvor vi er- og sørge for at sparre alt vi kan herinde og med hinanden 🤩
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Line Abildboe
34points to level up
I am a creative, in many ways, self-taught innovator - being educated in innovation and entrepreneurship- but rediscovering my passion about improving

Active 40d ago
Joined Sep 27, 2023
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