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Money School

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7 contributions to Money School
If you can do this you'll be successful
And that is the ability to delay gratification. This is one of the biggest determining factors to having the success that you want because all great things take time. People see our journey as being one of the top real estate teams in the country, or how we're on track to make over $100,000 next month, but they don't see the 10 years of us testing out business ideas, learning skills, losing money, and thinking, "will this ever work out" to get where we are now. That is why knowing how to delay gratification is so key. If you can do that you can do anything!
New comment Jul 9
If you can do this you'll be successful
1 like • Jul 8
Sometimes is the fears to look bad, that keep me around in around like make a videos. How do you feel when you have the idea of make a video and sent it to the public?. How you get it and did it ?
Your Biggest Superpower 👀
Is the ability to think. And I mean critically and clearly. To see things for how they really are. Keep reading - this will change your perspective on life. 👇🏽 When I was younger I used to read books by and listen to people like Grant Cardone, Iman, Russel Brunson, and the list goes on… Now, this helped me become a millionaire, but after a very long time, and I could have done it way faster if I learned the right way sooner. Let me explain - all of these gurus have sort of agenda for their content, and more often than not, if what they were teaching was as a big of an opportunity as they say - they wouldn’t teach you about it… This is why most billionaires don’t make books or teach anything (outside of their team and staff) until they’re about to die. This is why I stopped learning from those kinds of people and only listen to billionaires (or at least $100,000,000+ networth) because even if we do fraction of what they did - we will still surpass most of the gurus out there. Now, you may be thinking, “what’s your agenda then Jordan?” Easy, to provide so much value to you that you want to us myself and team as your Realtor, or send us referrals. 🤝🏽 This is why I’m able to provide all of my knowledge and not hold anything back. Most people share a narrative that will convince you to to buy their programs, or invest in their funds. Since I provide a service our interest are aligned. I want the same thing you want. Here’s a little story to really take this home; In college I was taking Spanish, and on the first day our professor said something in Spanish and said it meant, “welcome to my class - let’s have a conversation,” and our dismay after we okay, sounds good he proceeds to say, “It DID NOT mean that… don’t ever trust anyone fully - not even your professors.” And that was the most valuable lesson I learned in college, and I even had a 4.0 GPA in the top of all of my classes (that were all honors), so that is really saying something. So always remember to think - especially for yourself. 👑
New comment Jul 9
Your Biggest Superpower 👀
1 like • Jul 7
I m very persistent it will take me time but I am not going to quit. I know that one day I will invite my husband that quit his job because I will be very good as a Realtor, one day… 😉👊🏼
We're Giving EVERYTHING Away For FREE
After a lot of thought - we decided to give all of our trainings, resources, templates, best-selling books, and courses all away for FREE. Here's why. I see so many "gurus" charging a lot of money for information (I used to charge $5,000 to $100,000/yr for programs, so I get it), but I don't think it should be gate-kept! As someone who was homeless off-and-on from 12-18, I wish I had this kind of information available when I was growing up. Fast forward to now, I run one of the top real estate teams in America with 120 agents that are on my team, and approaching a 6-figure month, with many more consecutively coming! It's a long way from where I used to be, and I got here thanks to information. From buying books, attending seminars, joining masterminds, and spending $100,000's on my education outside of college - I spent $60,000+ last year alone for a mentor. (I also had a full-ride in college with a 4.0 GPA in all honors classes, so that's outside of college). So, I love information, and if I knew what I'm going to be giving you all for free I'd be where I am now 100 times faster! And this is why we are making Money School free for everyone! Some of you may be thinking; "it's already free though - what's different?" Great question - we had Elite Money School that hosted all of our trainings, and in the coming days and weeks we will be releasing everything here for free. Our only ask - share this group with your friends so we can help them too! We will be teaching everything about real estate, entrepreneurship, sales, recruiting, mindset, financial literacy, productivity hacks, investing, and what it really takes to be successful in life. We will be giving you what some coaches and trainers charge you 5-6 figures to have access to for FREE! So stay tuned, and invite your friends! Because the only reason why it's lonely at the top is if we are bad leaders and friends and don't bring our people up with us. Let's change the world together!
New comment Aug 6
We're Giving EVERYTHING Away For FREE
2 likes • Jul 2
Thank you! I am so excited to learn!!! Let’s spread it 👊🏼
Underrated money hack
Go to the gym 3-5+ times a week (or at the very least work out that many times). Not only does it help you improve your discipline, but it also makes your brain and body more efficient which will allow you to yield a higher output. And, the better we look - the more opportunities we’ll also get as well. Simple solution for a big payout. P.S. I had a baby boy and I still go to the gym around 4am - 5am.
New comment Jun 27
Underrated money hack
2 likes • Jun 26
It is not easy go to the gym but it is feel great when you go and finish your workout it make me feel victorious 👊🏼 🏋🏻‍♂️
The Biggest "Tax" We Pay EVERY Year...
It's not what you think...👀 It's not capital gain taxes. It's not income taxes. It's not property taxes. And it's not state taxes. The biggest "tax" that we pay is the gap between the income we want to earn and where we are now If your goal is to make $1,000,000 a year and you currently earn $250,000 a year you're paying an ignorant tax of $750,000 by NOT knowing how to make that difference. This is why you're in the right spot! Especially if you've upgraded into The Elite Money School. Comment below - what income goal do you have for this year? 🤔
New comment Aug 7
The Biggest "Tax" We Pay EVERY Year...
1 like • Jun 21
Out of dept including the mortgage 😁
1-7 of 7
Lily Kuykendall
10points to level up
Born in Mexico. Got married with a veteran navy since 2000. Have 2 adults kids 18 and 21 and a beautiful cocker spanish. It just 150 words! so, end

Active 33d ago
Joined Jun 16, 2024
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