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Solo Q Solution

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26 contributions to Solo Q Solution
recalling help
should I always wait to recall on cannon wave even if I'm low hp?
New comment 8d ago
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Depends on the dive potential of the enemy laner and/or jungler. Recalling while your wave is under their turret is also a good time to recall. If you're low hp and you're against someone like Zed, walk behind your tower and then recall.
I kinda forgot to introduce myself :/
I'm a midlaner who used to be a Neeko OTP but switched to Aurora when she came out If I'm playing ranked I can play Sivir mid if we need AD but otherwise it's Aurora (or Neeko if she's banned) I used to watch a lot of league YouTube so I have a decent understanding of what different roles do and how to play them My mechanical skill is terrible, I suck at CSing, and I'm not confident at identifying winning trades so I don't go for them that much which usually results in a 0 KD laning phase My macro is pretty good and I can make correct calls 90% of the time, but my lack of mechanical skill often means that I can't do anything about it I mostly play quickplay because normal draft has no role guarantee and my CSing poorly in ranked is frustrating for both me and my team
Secondary role
My secondary role is top not because I want to play top, but as a way to get my preferred role of mid. What champion can i play top to not sabotage my team?
New comment 24d ago
1 like • 27d
Cho'gath, Riven, Fiora, or Mundo, or Garen Play safe on Mundo and win late game by ignoring people and going for towers. AloisNL has a guide and his videos are all relatively informative Cho'gath's plan is similar to Mundo but it feels different (also lvl 1 is super strong) If you get ok with riven or flora they're really good if your opponent doesn't know how to counter Garen is the ultimate noob champion if you want someone to lock in without needing any practice beforehand Remeber to farm and collect side waves
1 like • 26d
@Dimitri Duquennoy the point of riven or fiora is if you play 50ish matches on either of them you'll be ok enough for low elo and they're really good at splitting. Others will definitely be easier and I probably should have emphasised that.
enemy jungler never leaves me alone
whether I win or lose lane the jungler is constantly in my lane making it difficult for me to push do I just have to lose the game because of this?
New comment 30d ago
0 likes • 30d
Here's a basic list of what to do if you are being camped: 1 play safe 2 waste their jg's time. Let your jg invade or gank or counter gank and get ahead 3 know that if their jg is here and you stay even with your laner, that's winning because their jg is wasting time trying to kill you. 4 focus on last hits. Use abilities of you need to. 5 Don't take even trades because in a 2v1 your health deficit is more impactful then theirs
Wave Management
Does anyone have any resources to help me as a new ADC with wave management? I am constantly being told things like slow push, fast push, crash the wave, freeze the wave, get prio, etc etc, and I dont really know how to do any of that. Like I know to freeze the wave I need 4 caster minions, but there's only 3 in a wave? Any help, articles, videos, etc is appreciated!
New comment 24d ago
1 like • Aug 18
On YouTube Skill capped has a few videos about the basics of wave management that are pretty good. For more than basics you'll need to look at difrent cc's and do a bit more research. AloisNL is really good with fundamentals which include wave management and if you watch his videos you'll see how these things can be put to practice. Alois is a toplaner so there will be differences bc you're a duo lane but it should still be helpful
1-10 of 26
Lillith C
6points to level up
♡She/Her♡ ~▪︎~ macro✔️ micro✖️ ~▪︎~ New player, probably Iron ~▪︎~ Mid primary Support/Top secondary ~▪︎~ Aurora Neeko Sivir Leona

Active 8d ago
Joined Jul 30, 2024
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